I am currently developing a solution that is integrating with Schedule API to create project and related resources from CSV. I followed guidelines from
I was able to create the project, team members, buckets, tasks, checklists, task dependencies and resource assingments. The one thing I am having issues with is trying to create msdyn_projecttasktolabel entities.
When operation set is being executed it goes into "Failed" status with the following details:
The message inside the record is:
Microsoft.Crm.BusinessEntities.CrmObjectNotFoundException: msdyn_projecttasktolabel With Id = 4e907b7e-f0bf-4944-9251-d4bf9fb401b7 Does Not Exist ---> Microsoft.Crm.BusinessEntities.CrmObjectNotFoundException: msdyn_projecttasktolabel With Id = 4e907b7e-f0bf-4944-9251-d4bf9fb401b7 Does Not Exist
It is expected that this entity does not exist as it is created as part of this OperationSet.
Also there is an error code "OpenProject" for which I can't find any related documentation.
I am using Project for the Web, and in Schedule API docs it is noted that opertaion with labels and label to task assignments should be supported.
Any help with resolving this issue would be appreciated.
PS: Please transfer the topic if it is not reported in the correct section of the forum.