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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Can't Print and Email a Sales Document at the same time GP 2013 R2

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

If I create a sales invoice and then click the print button and select both email and print in the print options window that follows, it only emails the document.  It does not print it.  If I go into the document and remove the email address (To address) and tell it to print and email again.  The Word Template prints but the email fails.  I'm not surprised that the email failed...I didn't have an email address!  What surprises me is that I can't do both at the same time.  I can just select print or email and it will do what I selected.  However it will not do both given a valid email address and Word template.

A client pointed this out to me and said it used to work before the upgrade or service pack.  I don't know the client that well and what version they were on prior but they are on GP 2013 R2 (build 1826).  It's like the email suppresses the printing in some way.

Is this normal with GP 2013 R2?  Any way to still do both?



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  • Suggested answer
    Isaac Olson Profile Picture
    Isaac Olson on at
    RE: Can't Print and Email a Sales Document at the same time GP 2013 R2

    Hello Community,

    This was a feature that was changed due to customer suggestions.   Users wanted to make it so that if you select email AND print, that GP would email the customers that were set up for email, and print for customer that were not set up for email.

    If you click on the Help About this window, in the Print Sales Documents window, it states the following:

    “Select to print your documents, send your documents in e-mail, or both. If you have marked to print and send sales documents in email at the same time, the documents that can be sent in email will be sent in email while the documents that cannot be sent in email will be printed.”

    As of now, this is how GP is designed to function.  However, development wants to hear from the customer on these issues and that I why I would suggest that you vote for this change for a future release.   As of now, I see that 6 people have voted for this, but there are many more customers out there that want this changed.

    If you have other product suggestions as well, you can enter them here.


    Isaac Olson

    Microsoft Support

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Can't Print and Email a Sales Document at the same time GP 2013 R2

    I do not know if it's been restored...I have not yet tested it but I believe so. Anyone out there know for sure?

  • RE: Can't Print and Email a Sales Document at the same time GP 2013 R2

    Do you know if this functionality has been restored in GP2015?


  • Heather Roggeveen Profile Picture
    Heather Roggeveen 9,144 on at
    RE: Can't Print and Email a Sales Document at the same time GP 2013 R2

    You are welcome Heidi.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Can't Print and Email a Sales Document at the same time GP 2013 R2

    HEATHER YOU ARE A LIFESAVER!! Thank you so much! I inherited this customer and never would have known to look there. Thank you so much!!!


  • Suggested answer
    Heather Roggeveen Profile Picture
    Heather Roggeveen 9,144 on at
    RE: Can't Print and Email a Sales Document at the same time GP 2013 R2

    Hi Heidi

    You will have an issue with page breaks and reset report options in the modified template.

    In Report Writer, go to Tools --> Section Options.

    Click into your last Additional Footer and open.  Make sure "Reset Report" is ticked.

    If you have played around with Sort Options and Sections in your modified report, this will be where the issue is.

    This question is actually unrelated to the above query so would be best as its own thread.  It is only by luck that I happened to see this.



  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Can't Print and Email a Sales Document at the same time GP 2013 R2

    So I'm having a related issue to this for another customer in GP2015.

    When printing a single invoice, everything prints correctly on the Standard report and the Word Template. The report is modified.

    When trying to print all invoices in a batch (or using the Print Sales Documents window) with the modified report, all of the items from all invoices in the batch are combined into ONE invoice for the first customer. I have the same result if using the Standard report or the Word Template.

    If I print the non-modified report, the invoices all print individually and correctly.


  • RE: Can't Print and Email a Sales Document at the same time GP 2013 R2

    Hi David,

    This was actually a design change from feedback we received that doing both was wasting paper, so we changed the functionality.   However, we are now receiving feedback the other way, so we don't consider it to be a bug, but it's under review.  

    In the meantime, you will need to mark print and print it.  And then go back and mark to email and email it, so you have to do them separately if you want to do both.

    At this time, I would encourage you to log a product suggestion on it, as it will help to get your voice heard on this matter as it is a topic under consideration at this time.  Here is the site to enter your feedback.



    Thank you,
    Cheryl W
    Microsoft Online Community

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Can't Print and Email a Sales Document at the same time GP 2013 R2

    Well we figured it out, she had already printed invoices so we needed to check "reprint previously sent/printed".

    Hopefully that's all it was!

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Can't Print and Email a Sales Document at the same time GP 2013 R2

    Doh!  You asked about GP 2015.  I'm not sure about 2015.  Sorry.

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