Hi, I have read a few posts where people are having some issues with adding a timeline to display activities and notes in a MS Portal, but haven't see an answer to my specific issue yet. Hopefully someone else has had a need to do this and been successful!
I want to display ONLY Portal Comments on an Entity. However, Emails are still displaying which is not good as these could be anything. I need Users to be able to add a Portal Comment for their client to see, and only see those. I have done the following:
1. Made sure the Portal Timeline solution is installed
2. On the custom entity, made sure Activities is enabled in the Communication & Collaboration area
3. Added a Timeline section to the form I am using in my Entity Form
a. Unified Interface Properties: General, set to show Activities only. Activities tab, Show selected only has Portal Comment selected
4. On the Entity Form, Enable Entity Permissions is selected. Entity Form Metadata for Timeline is added.
5. Entity Permissions have been added, two different records. One for activitypointer and one for adx_portalcomment. Activities Permission is set to Read Yes, everything else is No. Portal Comments is set to Yes for Read, Create and Append., everything else is No. The Scope is Parent and the relationship is to an Entity Permission for the custom entity.
6. Portal Site Settings for CustomerSupport/DisplayAllUserActivitiesOnTimeline is set to False.
7. I have restarted the portal several times.
What else am I missing? Is it possible to ONLY show Portal Comments?
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