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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Strange Characters in Note Windows

Posted on by 5,985

I just had a user ask me about some strange characters appearing in certain GP Windows. I opened a note window and happened to try a couple of key combinations that they mentioned they thought might be creating these. Pressing Ctrl-Shift-L and Ctrl-Shift-N results in strange characters in my note window which I have never seen before.

Any one know what is causing these strange characters or what they are?

We don't use any unique keyboard layouts and have no international users.

Thank you,


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  • KirkLivermont Profile Picture
    KirkLivermont 5,985 on at
    RE: Strange Characters in Note Windows


    Thank you for the great answer. Mystery solved.


  • Verified answer
    Tim Wappat Profile Picture
    Tim Wappat 5,701 on at
    RE: Strange Characters in Note Windows

    I get that too, for example I can make these with CTRL+ various keys:


    So long as GP has not been programmed with a hot key for that combination, then it will insert the ASCII character code according to the following chart below, something harking back to the early days of computing and dot matrix printers...

    For example CTRL+P will cause print dialog to launch as it is a mapped key, but CTRL+L will cause a Form Feed character (0C) to be inserted into the edit window. As these can not be displayed, they just show as strange characters. If you also add SHIFT it seems to allow the entering of the character even if it is mapped to something else.

           0  00/00   00  00  NUL  (Ctrl-@)  NULL
           1  00/01   01  01  SOH  (Ctrl-A)  START OF HEADING
           2  00/02   02  02  STX  (Ctrl-B)  START OF TEXT
           3  00/03   03  03  ETX  (Ctrl-C)  END OF TEXT
           4  00/04   04  04  EOT  (Ctrl-D)  END OF TRANSMISSION
           5  00/05   05  05  ENQ  (Ctrl-E)  ENQUIRY
           6  00/06   06  06  ACK  (Ctrl-F)  ACKNOWLEDGE
           7  00/07   07  07  BEL  (Ctrl-G)  BELL (Beep)
           8  00/08   10  08  BS   (Ctrl-H)  BACKSPACE
           9  00/09   11  09  HT   (Ctrl-I)  HORIZONTAL TAB
          10  00/10   12  0A  LF   (Ctrl-J)  LINE FEED
          11  00/11   13  0B  VT   (Ctrl-K)  VERTICAL TAB
          12  00/12   14  0C  FF   (Ctrl-L)  FORM FEED
          13  00/13   15  0D  CR   (Ctrl-M)  CARRIAGE RETURN
          14  00/14   16  0E  SO   (Ctrl-N)  SHIFT OUT
          15  00/15   17  0F  SI   (Ctrl-O)  SHIFT IN
          16  01/00   20  10  DLE  (Ctrl-P)  DATA LINK ESCAPE
          17  01/01   21  11  DC1  (Ctrl-Q)  DEVICE CONTROL 1 (XON)
          18  01/02   22  12  DC2  (Ctrl-R)  DEVICE CONTROL 2
          19  01/03   23  13  DC3  (Ctrl-S)  DEVICE CONTROL 3 (XOFF)
          20  01/04   24  14  DC4  (Ctrl-T)  DEVICE CONTROL 4
          21  01/05   25  15  NAK  (Ctrl-U)  NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGE
          22  01/06   26  16  SYN  (Ctrl-V)  SYNCHRONOUS IDLE
          23  01/07   27  17  ETB  (Ctrl-W)  END OF TRANSMISSION BLOCK
          24  01/08   30  18  CAN  (Ctrl-X)  CANCEL
          25  01/09   31  19  EM   (Ctrl-Y)  END OF MEDIUM
          26  01/10   32  1A  SUB  (Ctrl-Z)  SUBSTITUTE
          27  01/11   33  1B  ESC  (Ctrl-[)  ESCAPE
          28  01/12   34  1C  FS   (Ctrl-\)  FILE SEPARATOR
          29  01/13   35  1D  GS   (Ctrl-])  GROUP SEPARATOR
          30  01/14   36  1E  RS   (Ctrl-^)  RECORD SEPARATOR
          31  01/15   37  1F  US   (Ctrl-_)  UNIT SEPARATOR

  • Beat Bucher  GP Geek  GPUG All Star Profile Picture
    Beat Bucher GP Gee... 28,021 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: Strange Characters in Note Windows

    Hi Kirk,

    Do you have any integration project that could cause those charaters to show up in the Notes window ? could it be that a user is running some macros to integrate data and opens by accident the Notes windows... ?

    Those 2 shortcutes can have very different purpose, depending on the context they are used, but in GP itself, there is no use for it AFAIK. Maybe someone meant to use CTRL-L & CTRL-N.. without the SHIFT ?

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