What is the SQL script to change department and category for a large batch of selected items ?
Thank You.
What is the SQL script to change department and category for a large batch of selected items ?
Thank You.
Yes. I am aware of worksheet 250.
I can manually create new departments as there aren't many.
I need the script to move 3000 active items to the newly created departments
Item ID is no issue
If you are using HQ keep in mind that you will need to send down a 250 worksheet to make the changes take effect at the store. Do you know the IDs or do you want a script that uses the department and category names? Also how are you defining the batch of items?
Will do . Thank You
There are multiple tables involved in this.
Please create a support incident if you would like assistance from Microsoft in creating the Update scripts.
The support number is 888-477-7877.
What is the SQL script to change department and category for a large batch of selected items ?
Thank You.
[/quote]Yes. Headquarters..
Yes. From Department /Category to newly created Department / Category.
The first batch of 1504 SKUs need to be altered to the new Department / Category
Thank You
Are you using Headquarters?
Are you changing one Department/Category to one other Department/Category?
How many items?
Just a note that Mainstream support for Microsoft Dynamics RMS 2.0 ended on July 10, 2016; and extended support ends on 7/13/2021:
Dynamics Retail Management System 2.0 - Microsoft Lifecycle | Microsoft Docs
This is around 3 weeks from now; and you can continue using RMS after this date, but technical support will not be available.
I would recommend checking with your partner regarding what they may recommend as a replacement system after the extended support end date.
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