Re: Invoice Date Incorrect
That would also work as well at the answer from Microsoft Support. Which post the invoice after the reversal instead of before.
Below is the procedure to correct an invoice printed for the wrong date.
1 Open Invoice reversal and duplication.
2. Select the invoice number of the invoice printed with the wrong date
3 Click Reverse invoice (this creates a reversal of the original and a duplicate of the original) The reversal will already be in Printed status.
4. Open Invoice and adjustment posting
5. Select the Cutoff date of the invoices (in 2014)
6. Post these invoices
7. In AR apply the reversal (should be a credit memo) to the invoice. Both will be closed after applying them together.
8. In invoice and adjustment (BIBAM00) a new invoice was created to replace the invoice that was reversed. It is an exact duplicate. Select that duplicate invoice.
9. Set the invoice to completed.
10 Open Invoice Print to Print the invoice , be sure to use the correct invoice date. It should default to the system date (current date) of the machine.