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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Dude about Email Configuration

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Hello there!

I've a dude about it....

I was able to make a Workflow that send Emails to Users, I was using the default config (CRM for Outlook) and I get emails, but somes Users get an "Advice" that tell to change the configuration in to "On-Server Configuration".

My dude is, why somes Users get that? and what is better? try to change to "On-Server" or "Crm for Outlook" the others Users? Or it's needed changing the complete system?

I don't know hehee

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  • Suggested answer
    Michel van den Brink Profile Picture
    Michel van den Brink 4,697 on at
    RE: Dude about Email Configuration


    There will only be a Server Profile if you are Online, for On-Premise, you will always have to create one yourself.


    By default HTTPS is required. You can turn of this requirement with a configuration on the CRM Server itself:

    Set the AllowCredentialsEntryViaNonSecureChannels is a registry key under:

    1. On the CRM server, create a new key called 'AllowCredentialsEntryViaNonSecureChannels' and set it to 1

    2. then, on the CRM Server, run this Powershell script:
      Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Crm.PowerShell
      $setting = Get-CrmSetting ServerSideSyncEmailSettings
      Set-CrmSetting $setting
      Get-CrmSetting TraceSettings

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Dude about Email Configuration

    When I enter I've seen that I don't have any Server Profile (I read that always is there any by default, but if you don't have, make it).

    But I don't sure if it's the "correct" configuration of that or not; Also there give me an advice of "SSL", so it's needed use https::// crm? Because we still with http:// crm  .....


    Thanks for your time.

  • Suggested answer
    Michel van den Brink Profile Picture
    Michel van den Brink 4,697 on at
    RE: Dude about Email Configuration

    If you have Office 365 and your users can read their email via  then you have Exchange Online


    The documentation I shared will explain it in greater detail but, in short to enable Server Synchronization:

    1. Make sure you've to a Server Profile created
    2. Then make sure you've set 'Correro electronico entrante' ('Incoming Mai') and 'saliente' ('Outgoing') to 'Server Synchronization'
    3. Then approve the inbox by clicking 'Aprobar correo electronico' ('Approve Email')
    4. Then click 'Probar y habilitar buzon' ('Test & Enable Mailbox')
    5. Wait for the test email.
    6. You'll notice that the status fields will be changed to 'Success' if everything went well
  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Dude about Email Configuration

    Oh thanks man! I go read it too

    I'm don't sure If I'm with Exchange Online or On-Premise, but I've Office 365 onlie, so Exchange is online?

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Dude about Email Configuration

    Ops Sorry I forgot load the photos.

    It's the msn that somes User got:


    It's the configuration that I've in all Users:


    So my dude is...for example; If my "Mailing Configuration" in my own User is same that the User: Pablo M. 

    Why this (Pablo M.) get this error/advice and I don't? How I can fix? Because there said in a post (On-Server...) that it's needed a "Email Profile Exchange by Default", but when I enter I don't have any Exchange, and I can make one, but how I can be sure that it's oks?


  • Suggested answer
    Michel van den Brink Profile Picture
    Michel van den Brink 4,697 on at
    RE: Dude about Email Configuration


    You are likely referring to 'Server Synchronization'. This is a functionality available to all customers of Dynamics CRM 2016 and Dynamics 365.

    This will allow the background engine of Dynamics to do all the email synchronization and your users no longer have to rely on the CRM for Outlook client software, they can move to the lightweight App for Outlook.


    Here's an introduction to Server Synchronization: 


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