We have a journey which has been live for a couple of months and we'd like to make some changes to it. Remove some 'wait' tiles and some 'conditional if/when' tiles. However while i've been trying to edit the journey it somehow doesn't seem possible to do this? Surely this a very basic functionality which must be achievable..? Deleting a 'wait for' tile impacts no-one.
With over 50 tiles in the journey it's a bit too long and complicated to copy. As the journey is triggered by those who have submitted a form we also can't copy the journey without also re-sending the journey to those who have already started it. At least not without creating numerous exclusion segments. Creating a duplicate journey will also make reporting very cumbersome.
All we want to do is remove a few tiles that have no impact on the emails received by our subscribers. Why does this seem so complicated???!