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Creating a simple runnableClass which uses a parameter, but receiving a SQL error when running select

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I wish to create a reusable runnableClass which uses parameters to edit sales Orders. I started with a simple class with 1 parameter:


internal final class MyRunnableClass extends RunBase
RecId salesLineRecId1;
DialogField Dialog_salesOrderRecId;

public Object dialog()
Dialog dialog = super();
dialog.caption("Sales Order Update");
Dialog_salesLineRecId1 = dialog.addField(extendedTypeStr(RecId), "SalesLine 1 RecId");
return dialog;

public boolean getFromDialog()
salesLineRecId1 = Dialog_salesLineRecId1.value();
return super();

public static void main(Args _args)
MyRunnableClass script = new MyRunnableClass();

public void run()
SalesLine salesline;
select firstonly forupdate salesline
where salesline.recid == salesLineRecId1;
if (salesline.recid != 0)
salesline.CustomerRef = "Test";



When I run this, I receive the following error:

Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.ErrorException: 'Cannot select a record in Order lines (SalesLine).
The SQL database has issued an error.'

And the following stackTrace:

at Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.MSIL.Interop.throwException(Int32 ExceptionValue, interpret* ip)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.MSIL.cqlCursorIL.EndFind(IntPtr table)
at Dynamics.AX.Application.MyRunnableClass.`run() in xppSource://Source/MyRunnableClass\AxClass_MyRunnableClas.xpp:line 69
at Dynamics.AX.Application.MyRunnableClass.`main(Args _args) in xppSource://Source/MyRunnableClass\AxClass_MyRunnableClass.xpp:line 54
at Dynamics.AX.Application.MyRunnableClass.main(Args _args)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.ReflectionCallHelper.MakeStaticCall(Type type, String MethodName, Object[] parameters)

Does anyone know why I encounter this error?

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,853 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Creating a simple runnableClass which uses a parameter, but receiving a SQL error when running select

    When you get an error regarding database (like 'The SQL database has issued an error'), running the DB sync is always worth a try. It often solves the problem, or it'll tell you about another problem that prevents DB sync from doing its job.

  • Superbunny Profile Picture
    Superbunny 191 on at
    RE: Creating a simple runnableClass which uses a parameter, but receiving a SQL error when running select

    Thanks for the tips!

    Will look into the new framework, but a simple sync DB solved it indeed!

  • Verified answer
    Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,853 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Creating a simple runnableClass which uses a parameter, but receiving a SQL error when running select

    First of all, please try to synchronize the database.

    By the way, note that there is a newer framework since AX 2012: SysOperation.

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