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Query specific value in array from a metadata entity in Dynamics 365

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I'm trying to avoid iterating through this array, but I imagine that is the only way to handle this. Just seeing if there is a way to directly query this value in the array from the Web API URI.

This is the URI example:

And this is an example of the response:

    "@odata.context": "">$metadata,
    "MetadataId": "f4a9de67-1d00-ea11-a811-000d3a33f702",
    "Options": [
            "Value": 799680006,
            "Color": "#0000ff",
            "IsManaged": false,
            "ExternalValue": "",
            "ParentValues": [],
            "MetadataId": null,
            "HasChanged": null,
            "Label": {
                "LocalizedLabels": [
                        "Label": "ABC123",
                        "LanguageCode": 1033,
                        "IsManaged": false,
                        "MetadataId": "b4eb2c69-b500-ea11-a811-000d3a33fe19",
                        "HasChanged": null
                "UserLocalizedLabel": {
                    "Label": "ABC123",
                    "LanguageCode": 1033,
                    "IsManaged": false,
                    "MetadataId": "b4eb2c69-b500-ea11-a811-000d3a33fe19",
                    "HasChanged": null

Basically, I have the "Value": 799680006 which is what I want to somehow add to the URI query parameters, so that I can ultimately get "Label": "ABC123".

Any suggestions or is iterating through the array of objects with if Value = x really the only option?

  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,198 on at
    RE: Query specific value in array from a metadata entity in Dynamics 365

    Hi cjones,

    From contents of following two web pages, I don't think we are able to get Label property in Options collection in GlobalOptionSetDefinitions Web API query directly without iteration.

    Instead, you could query Stringmap entity to get value of an option of optionset directly.



    Stringmap:$select=attributename,value,attributevalue,objecttypecode&$filter=attributename eq 'cra67_socialmedia' and value eq 'Facebook'




  • ishraqiyun77 Profile Picture
    ishraqiyun77 150 on at
    RE: Query specific value in array from a metadata entity in Dynamics 365

    That would still be iterative though. I'm trying to just query the data I need.

  • Pankaj Gogoi Profile Picture
    Pankaj Gogoi 3,177 on at
    RE: Query specific value in array from a metadata entity in Dynamics 365

    Hi Cjones,

    You can deserialize it to an object.

    You can parse the result into a JsonArray.

    Var result = "Your Json String"

    var jArray = JArray.Parse(result);

    var obj = jArray[0]["Options"]["Label"].....

    Best Regards


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