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Purchase order - shipping date

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Can I somehow automate requested receipt date on a purchase order to count a lead time of the items? 
I buy the items from a vendor with FCA terms, so I need to give the Vendor the infromation when the items should be ready in his warehouse. The requested receipt date is a date when the items should be in my location already. 
For example: 
1). I have 2 months lead time and need goods for 01.12.2023 to be in location A
2). I should send a purchase order to my Vendor with requested date of 01.10.2023 (so he produces it in time)
Is it somehow managable with standard functionality? 
Moreover I have several locations and the lead time for this venor for them is 1 months, 1.5 months and 2 months. 
As far as I understood lead time on SKU card is for calculating the date when you should order the goods. The order date can be used as a workaround here?
Thanks in advance
  • Suggested answer
    Jun Wang Profile Picture
    Jun Wang 7,551 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    Purchase order - shipping date
    you are right saying lead time could be set up on item sku card for different location.
    you could also set up lead time on vendor card for item per screen below.
    you then specify the lead time for a certain item from a certain vendor. this lead time is not location specific.
    if you have the lead time set up both here and on sku, I assume BC will use the lead time on the sku card. But the sku lead time is not vendor specific. 
    it is tricky to set up lead time at different places and BC follow its own logic to prioritize. you need to test fully to be certain what the logic is. 
    hope it helps
    follow me on linkedin for more sharing
    Jun Wang
  • Suggested answer
    Azqar Profile Picture
    Azqar 52 on at
    Purchase order - shipping date
    You can assign a base calendar to your company and its business partners, such as customers, vendors, or locations. Delivery and receipt dates on future sales order, purchase order, transfer order, and production order lines are calculated according to the calendar’s specified working days. The main task in setting up a new base calendar is to specify and define the non-working days that you want to apply.

    To set up a base calendar

    1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Base Calendar, and then choose the related link.

    2. Choose the New action.

    3. Fill in the Code field.

    4. Choose the Maintain Base Calendar Changes action.

    5. On the Base Calendar Changes page, use the Recurring System field to mark a particular date or day as a recurring nonworking day. You can select either the Annual Recurring or Weekly Recurring option.

      If you select Annual Recurring, you must also enter the relevant date in the Date field.

      If you select Weekly Recurring, you must also select the relevant day of the week in the Day field. If you leave the field empty, you must fill in the Date field. The Day field is filled in automatically.

    When you make an entry, the Nonworking field is selected. You can choose to clear the check mark to make it a working day.
    When you return to the base calendar card, you will observe that the nonworking day entries that you made have been updated. These entries now appear in red and the Nonworking field is selected.


    When setting up a new base calendar, you can select and copy lines from an existing calendar. You do this in the relevant Base Calendar Changes page.


    Any base calendar defined for the vendor or the location affects how the dates are calculated and rounded to working days. Specifies a date formula for the time that it takes to replenish the item. It is used to calculate the Planned Receipt Date field, if calculating forward, and Order Date field, if calculating backwards. See Lead Time Calculation.

    Lead Time Calculation

    Any base calendar defined for the vendor or the location affects how the dates are calculated and rounded to working days. Accordingly, the two date fields on purchase order lines are calculated as follows under different conditions.

    Calculation Direction Vendor Calendar Defined Vendor Calendar Not Defined
    Forward planned receipt date = order date + vendor lead time (per the vendor calendar and rounded to the next working day in first the vendor calendar and then the location calendar) planned receipt date = order date + vendor lead time (per the location calendar)
    Backward order date = planned receipt date - vendor lead time (per the vendor calendar and rounded to the previous working day in first the vendor calendar and then the location calendar) order date = planned receipt date - vendor lead time (per the location calendar)


    In addition to the lead time calculation that affects the planned receipt date and order date, as shown in the above table, warehouse handling time and safety lead time may be added to the formulas to make up the value in the Expected Receipt Date field, as follows: Planned Receipt Date + Safety Lead Time + Inbound Warehouse Handling Time = Expected Receipt Date.


    If your location uses a significantly different calendar than your vendors do, then it is important that you set up specific calendars for those vendors, to calculate optimal vendor lead times. For information about how to set up vendor calendars, see To assign a base calendar.

    The contents of the Lead Time Calculation field is copied from either the item card or the SKU card, if the lead time is defined for the item, or on the Item Supplier Catalogue page, if the lead time is defined for the vendor.

    To customise a calendar

    The main task in customizing a base calendar for your company, or one of its business partners, is to enter any changes to working and nonworking day status.

    For example, while a base calendar would typically list all Saturdays as non-working days, the customised calendar for a particular location may list all Saturdays during the months of November and December, and leading up to the holiday season, as working days.

    The following procedure uses the case of the location as an example. Note that at this point, you have already assigned a base calendar to the location.

    1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Locations, and then choose the related link.

    2. Open the location that you want to update, and then select the Customised Calendar field. Note that a calendar must be selected in the Base Calendar Code field.

    3. On the Customised Calendar Entries page opens, choose the Maintain Customised Calendar Changes action.

    4. In the Customised Calendar Changes, add lines for customised calendar entries.

      When you enter a line, the Nonworking check box is selected. You can clear the check box if you want to change the status to a working day.

      You can use the Recurring System field to set a particular date or day as a recurring nonworking day. You can select either the Annual Recurring or Weekly Recurring option.

      If you select Annual Recurring, you must also enter the relevant date in the Date field. If you select Weekly Recurring, you must also select the relevant day of the week in the Day field. If you leave the field empty, you must fill in the Date field. The Day field is then filled in automatically. This could be useful if you want to mark an individual date as a nonworking or working day.

    5. Choose the OK button.

    On the Customised Calendar Entries page, you will observe that the date entries are updated with the changes that you made.

    On the Location card, you will observe that the Customised Calendar field contains Yes, indicating that a customised calendar has been set up.


    If you do not fill in the Location Code field on an order line, your company’s calendar is used.

    If you do not fill in the Shipping Agent Code field on the order line, your company’s calendar is used.


    If you make changes to a base calendar for which customised calendar changes exist, all existing customised calendars are updated automatically.

    To assign a base calendar

    The following procedure schedules delivery dates on sales order lines for a customer as an example.

    Base calendars are assigned to your own company, customers, vendors, locations, and shipping agents as follows:

    • On the Company Information and Customer cards, the base calendar is assigned on the Shipping FastTab.
    • On the Vendor card, the base calendar is assigned on the Receiving FastTab.
    • On the Location card, the base calendar is assigned on the Warehouse FastTab.
    • On the Shipping Agents page, the base calendar is assigned on the Shipping Agent Services page.
    1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Customers, and then choose the related link.
    2. Open the Customer card for whom you will assign a base calendar.
    3. On the Shipping FastTab, in the Base Calendar Code field, select the base calendar that you want to assign.


    • If you do not assign a base calendar to a company, all dates are calculated as working days.
    • If you enter a blank location on an order line, all dates are calculated as working days.
    • Any base calendar defined for the vendor or the location affects how the dates are calculated and rounded to working days.

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