I want to create GL trail balance report. I would like to know what are the tables need to use to retrieve below mentioned data from SQL SSRS
Account |
Description |
Beginning Balance |
Debit |
Credit |
Net Change |
Ending Balance |
10-0100-0110-01101 |
2,650,391.74 |
10,452.69 |
0 |
10,452.69 |
2,660,844.43 |
10-0100-0110-01102 |
1,733,668.86 |
0 |
0 |
- |
1,733,668.86 |
10-0100-0110-01103 |
61,403.93 |
0 |
0 |
- |
61,403.93 |
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I have a number of blog posts with code for different versions of the General Ledger Trial Balance: victoriayudin.com/.../general-ledger-sql-views
Hope this helps with what you're looking to do.
You can use this query and alter it to fit your needs:
Trial Balance Query
declare @Year int
declare @cmp varchar(4)
set @Year = 2018;
With TB (CompanyID,CompanyDescription,Account,[Description],BeginBal,Debit,Credit,NetChange,Ending) as
select A.Segment1 [CompanyID],
C.dscriptn [CompanyDescription],
[account number] ACCOUNT,
B.DSCRIPTN [Description],
SUM(CASE When [Period ID] = 0 THEN [Period Balance] ELSE 0 END) AS BEGINBAL,
SUM(CASE When [Period ID] > 0 THEN [Debit Amount] ELSE 0 END) AS Debit,
SUM(CASE When [Period ID] > 0 THEN [Credit Amount] ELSE 0 END) AS Credit,
SUM(CASE When [Period ID] > 0 THEN [Period Balance] ELSE 0 END) AS NetChange,
SUM([Period Balance]) AS ENDING
FROM (AccountSummary A
left join gl40200 B
on A.Segment2 = b.SGMNTID)
left join gl40200 C on
A.segment1 = c.sgmntid
WHERE [Account Type]='posting account'
and [Year] = @Year
and b.sgmtnumb = 2
and c.sgmtnumb = 1
GROUP BY [segment1]
,[Account Number]
Select [CompanyID]
,[Description] = case [Description]
when '' then (select top 1 actdescr from gl00100 where MNACSGMT = Account)
else [Description]
from TB
order by CompanyID,account;
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