We have a Sales Order and associated paid Pre-Payment invoice, where we are shipping in batches. When we get to the final batch, we re-open the Sales Order, change the shipping date, then attempt to release. However, we can’t get past the following error:
Prepmt. Line Amount Excl. GST cannot be more than 57,272.72 in Sales Line Document Type='Order',Document No.='SO000189',Line No.='20000'.
AL call stack:
"Sales Line"(Table 37).CheckPrepmtAmounts line 22 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Sales Line"(Table 37).UpdatePrepmtAmounts line 22 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Sales Line"(Table 37).UpdateVATOnLines line 147 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Release Sales Document"(CodeUnit 414).CalcAndUpdateVATOnLines line 9 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Release Sales Document"(CodeUnit 414).Code line 94 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Release Sales Document"(CodeUnit 414).OnRun(Trigger) line 3 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Release Sales Document"(CodeUnit 414).PerformManualCheckAndRelease line 28 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Release Sales Document"(CodeUnit 414).PerformManualRelease line 12 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Sales Order"(Page 42)."Release - OnAction"(Trigger) line 4 - Base Application by Microsoft