My customer does not do VAT taxing. They are US only.
Here is the sequence of events
1) Order with multiple lines entered
2) Customer is 100% prepaid
3) Prepayment invoice is posted
4) Prepaid invoice is paid
5) Nothing shipped or invoiced
6) Prepayment credit memo is posted
7) Quantity for 1 line is set to Zero
8) Attempt to post new prepayment invoice
9) Receive an error message - The Prepayment account is assigned to a VAT product posting group where the VAT percentage is not equal to zero. This can cause posting errors when invoices have mixed VAT lines. To avoid errors, set the VAT percentage for zero to the account.
We did not get this error in the past. None of the GL accounts have a VAT product posting group.
VAT should not even be considered.
Also, with this particular sales order, it is not even taxable for sales taxable
Any help/thoughts appreciated