Hello ,
Today one of my customer find an problem while doing a negative transaction from my custom solution which uses econnect for posting the transactions.
Scenario :
Do a positive transaction for item Item 1 for 100 Qty and provide expiry date : say 20 Feb 2019 and giving lot Number :L001 and bin : bin01,
Create a purchase order and receive the item say 200 Qty with same lot number and bin number but giving expiry date as blank.
Doing transaction from Econnect:
1'st transaction : Allocate some ex 80 qty from 1'st lot
2nd transaction : Allocate 130 Qty from 2nd lot which is having blank expiry lot error got .
Error Number : 3374, in executing sproc taIVTransactionLotInsert for econnect transaction.
This is a bug which should be reported to microsoft ,can any one tell how i can do this.
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