Hello community, I have a couple questions concerning the Integration Manager application and it's relationship with eConnect.
In the GP 2013 eConnectIntallAdminGuide, it explains that the service user account should be given DYNGRP role for each company that will be accessed by the eConnect service. This implies that the service user account will be used to access/modify the company data when applications interface with the eConnect service.
This does not seem to be the case with the Integration Manager application. When running an integration ( that uses the eConnect adapter ) with a user that does not have direct access to the database, connect errors are encountered ( DOC 1 ERROR: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: Cannot open database "[Database Name]" requested by the login. The login failed. ). Creating a security login for the user launching the intergration and giving that user permissions to the database allow the integration to run without incident.
So my first question is : am I really expected to give a user access to the back end database in order to achieve this functionality ? ( I'm thinking here of the risk, and the complete disregard for the Dynamics GP security model. )
My second question is more pointed to the functionality of the Integration Manager application. It appears that there are some fields that are available to map to when using the eConnect adapater that are not available when using the Microsoft Dynamics GP adapter. For example : Microsoft Dynamics GP eConnect -> Receivables Management -> Customer allows for mapping to the Addresses -> Internet Information -> "To Address" and "CC address" where those fields do not exist using the equivalent Dynamics GP adapter.
So my second question is : Are there some fields that you are required to use the eConnect adapater inside Integration Manager to be able to update?
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