A customer informed me their inventory was off after changing the unit of measure schedule. When they made the change, they did zero out the inventory then brought it back in under the new unit of measure schedule.
Example of UOM.
in 1.0 of in
ft 12.0 of in
ft 1.0 of ft
In my review, I saw that there were multiple sales transactions using the "old" unit of measure schedule (INCH with ft on there) being used AFTER the unit of measure schedule was changed to FT.
I can understand if there are existing sales transactions that were sitting in batches with the old unit of measure schedule, that GP would still use those and let you continue. However, what the customer is doing is using the copy feature to copy items from old sales orders. These old sales orders have the old unit of measure schedule on them. When you do the copy, GP does not give you a warning nor does stop you from copying that incorrect unit of measure. it brings the line items in with the old and incorrect unit of measure schedule. And it lets you transfer them to an invoice. When it is posted, the inventory is off, as it is reducing the qty by the wrong unit of measure schedule base of 12 rather than 1.0.
Would this be a bug? I would think that when doing a copy, when the line items populate the scrolling window, that GP would check to make sure that the unit of measure schedule is assigned to that item or at give you a warning.
For now, we will create new orders and use the correct unit of measure schedule going forward.
Thanks, Sheila
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