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NumberSequenceTablerListPage Records

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I have one requirement. i want all the records which are coming on Number Sequence form(Form Name : NumberSequenceTablerListPage). I can export records directly from the form into excel, but my requirement is different, so that export solution won't work for me. I need to write the code so that i can fetch same number of records which are coming on form.

can anyone please suggest me , what code i can write to fetch the same records which are coming on form.
Path : Organization Administration > Common  > Number Sequence

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,846 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: NumberSequenceTablerListPage Records

    As you see, you can't fix the problem without finding out first what's wrong. I gave you some suggestions; consider following them.

  • RE: NumberSequenceTablerListPage Records

    After seeing the result, i also feel that left Join is irrelevant. But after removing left join also, my count are not matching with the records coming on form.

    And i have tried your previous code also, with that also count is not matching with form records.

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,846 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: NumberSequenceTablerListPage Records

    Please always you Insert > Code to paste source code; it'll be much easier to read and refer to:

    select * from NumberSequenceTable NST
    left join NumberSequenceScope NSS
    	on NST.NumberSequenceScope = NSS.RecId
    left join FiscalCalendarPeriod FCP
    	on nss.FiscalCalendarPeriod = FCP.RecId
    left join FiscalCalendarYear FCY
    	on FCP.FiscalCalendarYear = FCY.RecId

    This clearly SQL, not X . When you write SQL, you must manually do what F&O normally does for you: filtering by Partition and (in most cases, but not this one) DataAreaId.

    Those left joins are irrelevant, because they don't filter records in NumberSequenceTable.

    Note that my previous replies more leads for isolation of the problem.

  • RE: NumberSequenceTablerListPage Records

    sorry for the incomplete answer.

    i write the code on SQL, below is my code

    select * from NumberSequenceTable NST

    Left Join NumberSequenceScope NSS

    on NST.NumberSequenceScope = NSS.Recid

    Left Join FiscalCalendarPeriod FCP

    on nss.FiscalCalendarPeriod = FCP.recid

    left Join FiscalCalendarYear FCY

    on FCP.FiscalCalendarYear = FCY.recid

  • RE: NumberSequenceTablerListPage Records

    Firstly from the form, i export the record into excel. And in the excel, i check the count for the records on excel which are coming on form.

    Then, secondly i write the code and then i check the count.

    Both count were different.

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,846 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: NumberSequenceTablerListPage Records

    I'm sorry, but I can't just tell you how to get "correct output" without more information from you.

    How do you count records in the form? Which number is higher? Do you have an example of a difference?

    How did you identify the filters and what code did you use to apply them? Have you verified that the resulting query is the same as the one in the form?

  • RE: NumberSequenceTablerListPage Records

    I have already checked those filters, i tried with that code. still i am not getting correct output. So need help on that point only.

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,846 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: NumberSequenceTablerListPage Records

    No problem. Look at filters used by the form and add them to your query.

  • RE: NumberSequenceTablerListPage Records

    Hi Martin,

    Thanks for your quick response.

    I know how to write code counting records.

    But the issue is the number of records coming on NumberSequenceForm are different from the number of records we are getting from below code.

    NumberSequenceTable numSequence;

    select count(RecId) from numSequence;

  • Suggested answer
    Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,846 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: NumberSequenceTablerListPage Records

    Are you saying that you don't know how to write code counting records at all, or that you have a problem with this particular data?

    The source of data for this form is NumberSequenceTable.

    The simplest way to count records is this:

    NumberSequenceTable numSequence;
    select count(RecId) from numSequence;

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