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Supply chain | Supply Chain Management, Commerce
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Add field to model in Electronic Reporting

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I just created a new format derived from ISO20022 Credit transfer (ES)

I made a lot of work about it, and now I see that I need a new field wich is not created in data model associated to my format.

Well... the problem is now I can not modify the model because is a Microsoft Model.

How can I modify this small change?
  • Suggested answer
    Adis Profile Picture
    Adis 2,866 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    Add field to model in Electronic Reporting
    You need to do the following. I used ISO20022 Credit transfer (DE) as I dont have the ES downloaded.
    1. Check the base model - you dont need to do this but I am showing you how you can do it for other cases. 
    The format is based on the ISO20022 Credit transfer, which is based on the Payment Model
    2. Create a new derived model
    I created here the "TEST01" model, that is derived from the Payment model
    3. Create a new model mapping
    Create a new model mapping based on that from Microsoft.
    Important: Dont forget to change here the Target model to the one you created, by default the Payment model will be selected.
    3. Create a new derived format
    Select your ISO20022 Credit transfer (ES) format and derive a new one.
    Important: Select your data model and also the data model definition.
    Now you can change\add fields to your model.
    A few hints when changingyour model:
    -Dont forget to change your version on the model from DRAFT to Completed
    -You need to bind the new fields in the model mapping (the one you created) AND change the status to "Completed"
    -In your format, you need to change your model version base accordingly. Now its empty, as my model has the status draft. 
    Kind regards, Adis
    If this answered your question, please mark it as answered, so that others can see the question is answered

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