Is it possible to use Wishlist on PLP(product listing page) as PLP contains master product and not variants of product as this causes error in add to cart and remove product from Wishlist is there any work around for this
Is it possible to use Wishlist on PLP(product listing page) as PLP contains master product and not variants of product as this causes error in add to cart and remove product from Wishlist is there any work around for this
Yes, its currently not supported on PLP. You can build it as an extension. If your PLP has only products (no master-variant), you can extend it to include the icon and the add-to-wishlist icon.
If your PLP has master products, you will need to capture the dimensions as part of the products. THe SearchByCrtieria should have dimensions information. You can use that to then find the variant id, to add to wishlist.
Overall it can be PLP module (search results module ) extension to support this feature.
i didn't get you please elaborate what do you mean by moving to commerce forum,
thank you
Moved to Commerce forum.
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