I7571.Bank-Management-Options.jpg"/resized-image.ashx/__size/550x0/__key/CommunityServer-Components-UserFiles/00-00-04-66-81-Attached+Files/2262.CashBook-Receipts-Entry.jpg" border="0" />
When I go to Bank Management Setup to verify the settings everything appears ok as shown beloW
So clearly the receipt entry form is pulling the next Receipt Number from somewhere else.
I have also reviewed data on CB600066 and all Receipts Numbers are numeric.
I reviewed the DexSQL LOG FILE and came across this section which i find quite interesting.
/* Date: 02/08/2011 Time: 15:22:23
select TOP 1 CB_Next_Ref_No from CB600066 where CHEKBKID = 'BA001' and CB_Number_Type='REF' and CB_Number_Used= 0 order by DEX_ROW_ID
/* Date: 02/08/2011 Time: 15:22:23
{CALL FTOWN.dbo.zDP_CB600066F_1('BA001','REF',0,'MOBINI MOKOBI','BA001','REF',0,'MOBINI MOKOBI')}
/* Date: 02/08/2011 Time: 15:22:23
{CALL FTOWN.dbo.zDP_CB600066F_1('BA001','REF',0,'MOBINI MOKOBI','BA001','REF',0,'MOBINI MOKOBI')}
/* Date: 02/08/2011 Time: 15:22:23*/
BEGIN UPDATE FTOWN.dbo.CB600066 SET CB_Number_Used = ? WHERE CB_Number_Used = ? AND CHEKBKID = ? AND CB_Number_Type = ? AND CB_Next_Ref_No = ? SELECT @@rowcount END
/* Date: 02/08/2011 Time: 15:22:23*/
Prepared stmt(95230656):
/* Date: 02/08/2011 Time: 15:22:23
BEGIN DECLARE @num int EXEC FTOWN.dbo.zDP_CB600066SI 'BA001', 'REF', 'MOBINI MOKOBI1', 0, '1', @num OUT SELECT @num END
/* Date: 02/08/2011 Time: 15:22:23
BEGIN DECLARE @num int EXEC FTOWN.dbo.zDP_CB900012SI '2011.02.08', 'sa', 'sa', '2011.02.08', 'End get next number (Generating Numbers).', 1, '15:22:23', @num OUT SELECT @num END
/* Date: 02/08/2011 Time: 15:22:23
{CALL FTOWN.dbo.zDP_CB600005L_1('BA001','1900.01.01','BA001','9999.12.31')}
/* Date: 02/08/2011 Time: 15:22:23
{ CALL FTOWN.dbo.zDP_CB600001SS_1 ( 'BA001' ) }
Any Insights on where I should start my Investigations?
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