Upgraded from v10 to V2010R2
One company gets a window that pops up at login with nothing more than 'Unknown Error' and an OK button. All other companies function normal at login. Error occurs for all users, including sa.
Pressing OK allows the user to continue logging into this company and things seem to function ok.
This is a section of the Dex log. I let the window stay on the screen for 1 minute so it was clear where the point of the error was in the log.
/* Date: 03/15/2012 Time: 10:55:04
{ CALL DYNAMICS.dbo.zDP_SY10500SS_1 ( 'sa', 4, 'POWERUSER' ) }
/* Date: 03/15/2012 Time: 10:55:04
at this point I press the OK button, the homepage loads as normal
/* Date: 03/15/2012 Time: 10:56:08
{ CALL DYNAMICS.dbo.zDP_SY02100SS_1 ( 0, 0, 7, 0 ) }
How do I fix this so we don't get the error?
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