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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Best practice when using C# with Custom Activity Forms

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

I created a Custom Activity that includes 3 Forms. When I create a new Activity, it displays a Form that is not ideal to say the least. I can add a new Tab to the Form, but I can't get rid of Controls or edit the General tab using C# code. I did figure out how to Disable a Control using C#, but the Control is still visible.

Form created by new Custom Activity.


XML of Form above.

    <tab verticallayout="true" id="{4bb16a6a-31ad-4cc3-89d9-0f5c0ce1513b}" IsUserDefined="1">
        <label description="General" languagecode="1033" />
        <column width="33%">
            <section showlabel="false" showbar="false" IsUserDefined="0" id="{c8ae51d8-372a-400c-b84e-f902a2556435}">
                <label description="General" languagecode="1033" />
                  <cell id="{12bb5f80-fe02-4c94-bdb6-d1f2698a2a71}">
                      <label description="Subject" languagecode="1033" />
                    <control id="subject" classid="{4273EDBD-AC1D-40d3-9FB2-095C621B552D}" datafieldname="subject" />
                  <cell id="{2a9fcaf8-9dfc-4be7-8796-41eb5ed21680}">
                      <label description="Owner" languagecode="1033" />
                    <control id="ownerid" classid="{270BD3DB-D9AF-4782-9025-509E298DEC0A}" datafieldname="ownerid" />
                  <cell id="{db978cab-ae1b-4b10-a7dd-4d51c2bf90f1}">
                      <label description="Regarding" languagecode="1033" />
                    <control id="regardingobjectid" classid="{F3015350-44A2-4aa0-97B5-00166532B5E9}" datafieldname="regardingobjectid" />
        <column width="66%">
            <section showlabel="false" showbar="false" id="{bef99b59-4504-49ab-ada6-d1a3d486dafb}" IsUserDefined="0" height="auto">
                <label description="Notes" languagecode="1033" />
                  <cell showlabel="false" rowspan="15" auto="false" id="{ec6122ad-cbe9-4a39-8206-8abe1fd7d4f1}">
                      <label description="Note Text" languagecode="1033" />
                    <control id="notescontrol" classid="{06375649-c143-495e-a496-c962e5b4488e}">
                <row />
                <row />
                <row />
                <row />
                <row />
                <row />
                <row />
                <row />
                <row />
                <row />
                <row />
                <row />
                <row />
                <row height="auto" />
  <header id="{e4f23238-c7f0-48e0-a05b-5d45cbf8019e}" celllabelposition="Top" columns="1111" labelwidth="115">
        <cell id="{4af19ef2-9557-4baa-8603-4d3d3411b6a8}">
            <label description="Priority" languagecode="1033" />
          <control id="header_prioritycode" classid="{3EF39988-22BB-4f0b-BBBE-64B5A3748AEE}" datafieldname="prioritycode" disabled="false" />
        <cell id="{c576970e-fdf3-4580-9741-359efb7c800a}">
            <label description="Due Date" languagecode="1033" />
          <control id="header_scheduledend" classid="{5B773807-9FB2-42db-97C3-7A91EFF8ADFF}" datafieldname="scheduledend" disabled="false" />
        <cell id="{a28f5773-dc63-4086-8897-024285249534}">
            <label description="Activity Status" languagecode="1033" />
          <control id="header_statecode" classid="{3EF39988-22BB-4f0b-BBBE-64B5A3748AEE}" datafieldname="statecode" disabled="false" />
        <cell id="{e84997f0-6c1d-449a-9ef1-c95262fa7621}">
            <label description="Owner" languagecode="1033" />
          <control id="header_ownerid" classid="{270BD3DB-D9AF-4782-9025-509E298DEC0A}" datafieldname="ownerid" disabled="false" />

Note: If using this Form, I would like to remove the Notes Control, add more Controls to the General Tab
and move the Priority, Due Date, Activity Status etc... to the first column.

I've can also create a new Form the way I want it using C#, but I can't figure out how to make the Activity use the new Form using C#. I've tried deleting the existing Form and setting IsDefault to true on the new Form, but that doesn't work. I get an error when I try to create a new Activity.

I've also tried updating the existing Form with new FormXml, but when I try to create a new Activity, I get an error.

What is the best method or approach to this problem. 

1) Create a new Form that loads when a new Activity is created. Delete the old Form.

2) Edit the existing form

I've used plugins that seem to be able to create and use custom Forms, so I know it's possible.

If possible, please provide code snippets with your response. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!

*This post is locked for comments

  • Suggested answer
    Arun Vinoth Profile Picture
    Arun Vinoth 11,613 on at
    RE: Best practice when using C# with Custom Activity Forms

    Not sure why you are editing form layout xml directly. You can edit the form using WYSIWYG editor (drag & drop) by clicking the "Form Editor" button in your screenshot. You can remove the section/tab, hide them, add new section/tab, fields, etc. Then just save & publish. Even you can preview the form before publishing.

    About using brand new forms - you can create new or clone the existing form by doing "save as", this will backup the existing form & you can play around the new form. Also you can deactivate the existing forms or remove the visibility by removing security roles from "Form editor".

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