When Import dates, they are being added into Business Central with a 1 day variance. For example, I put Excel file "1/5/2022" in the "Effective Date" column, and it uploaded into BC as "1/4/2022." .
Business central time zone
It showing one day variance.
Note : there is no code written on filed trigger.so it is behaviors of business central.
please let me know if you have any solutions.
Great. Do you have the same issue with other tables? If yes, you can report this bug to Microsoft (through your partner). I checked a few table and could not replicate the issue in my environment.
I checked there is no customization and bug.
I see. I checked around and one of my colleague said they had a similar issue but looks like developer of customization had a bug in a code that was causing similar issue. Can you please check with developer?
It is custom table and page that's why it can not see.
Note : I have not written any code on any trigger.
Just a quick question I assume this a table 202 Resource Cost. But I cannot see columns that you have. if you tell me the table then I can try in my end.
These are fields that I have.
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