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Moving BPF with workflow issues

Posted on by 190

I have a BPF that have two main branches, and within each branch, there are conditions to branch as well:

For example for the main branch:

If there are chemical items then go to health and safety approval, otherwise go to VP approval.

If health and safety approves then go to VP approval, else go to Rejected.

If VP approves then go to review stage, else VP Rejected.


I am using a workflow to move the stages automatically, and it works if everything is contained within one workflow.  However because there are many branches, and there is a  number of if condition limit I had to create a child workflow to continue it.  And when I do that, it messes up the workflow.  So even though the logic tells it to go to the north branch, it goes to the south branch.  

If this normal issue for long BPF and what are the workarounds?  It it better to use flow or javascript?  Thanks

  • Suggested answer
    RodRodriguez Profile Picture
    RodRodriguez on at
    RE: Moving BPF with workflow issues


    It seems like this is something that might be better handled with a plugin or a modern flow instead of a BPF.

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