The first error, if you run this script in SQL Server Mgmt Studio, does it show a table, or come back with the same 'invalid object name.....' error? The query is:
Select * from QKSA..Hrm_WorkContactDetails
Looking at my Business Portal environment, there are approximately 26 or so HRM tables if HRM is installed for Business Portal.
If you're only missing this one table, you could probably script it from another company database if you have others, but if you're missing most of the HRM tables even though you do have HRM installed, you may need to run SQL Configuration against the databases to add the missing objects that BP should've put there when you installed/upgraded it. (make sure to make backups of the databases before any changes)
The second error is generic and doesn't show us anything that we can use.
To get a more detailed error message, try the following:
1. Determine the home directory of your Business Portal site.
a. Open IIS and locate the virtual server hosting your Business Portal site
b. Right click on the virtual server and select Properties
c. Click the Home Directory tab and note the Local Path file location
2. Browse the directory and locate the web.config file
3. Make a backup of this file
4. Open the web.config file and make the following changes:
Find: CallStack="false"
Change to: CallStack="true"
Find: CustomErrors mode="RemoteOnly"
Change to: CustomErrors mode="Off"
5. Save your changes
6. Run IISRESET and launch Business Portal again and re-create the error, it should now give more detail to the actual cause of the 'unexpected error' message.
Also, on the SharePoint/BP server, if you look in the Event Viewer logs, BP sometimes will write errors and warnings in there, so I'd look for any corresponding information in those logs as well.