I have a query around auto posting on sales orders: We have several item records which we would like to have auto posting of shipments on sales orders, these are S-FREIGHT, DONS, DONS-TBS and COURIER-RMA. All of these items are set against location code SERV which I could set the 'Default Qty to ship' as remainder to auto populate the Qty to Ship on the order line. However what i'd like to know is if I can then set something which would only post ship these items? I've had a look at job queues specifically the Batch Post Sales Orders (296) but the filter options seem to be at header level which would not work for us as the locations on the lines vary. Equally I can not set this job queue to auto post all sales orders, as we have other locations which default a qty to ship which we would not want auto shipping. Are there any suggestions you can offer?