I have four entities as follows
- financial statement
- lender
- loan
- contact
now I want to have 1:N relation between lender and financial statement ,and contact and financial statement .
so have created this 1:N relationship. But my solution has existing 1:N relationship between lender and Loan & Contact and Loan.
Now when i import this solution in another environment for the first time ,i did not get data in financial statement and lender & Contact n financial statement.
getting below error:
Cannot map attribute 'new_lenderid' on entity 'new_loan' to attribute 'new_lender' on entity 'new_financialstatement'. Either an attribute is not mappable, or attributes are of different types, or the size of the target attribute is smaller than the size of the source attribute
Cannot map attribute 'new_primarycontact' on entity 'new_loan' to attribute 'new_primarycontact' on entity 'new_financialstatement'. Either an attribute is not mappable, or attributes are of different types, or the size of the target attribute is smaller than the size of the source attribute
but for second import this works fine, please help me to solve this issue.
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