Hello there!
I've a dude, the last day I've seen that always the CRM bring me a option ribbon to install/upgrade the CRM to Outlook.
I install and ejecute it, but it gave me the follow error:
So I checked in google and find that it's because I've any Miscrosoft Office Vertion lower than 2015. I enter to "Control Panel" and find that I've 2 Microsoft Offices (2013 and 365), the steps only said that you must delete the old M.O and it'll work.
But how you can look, there is not longer vertion lower than 2015 and it keep getting the error.
Any know what I must do? I ask also because only 3 of 8 computers got this upgrade and they keep the 2013 vertion installed....
PD: What happened if I deleted the 2013 by "Control Panel"? I've made it, but now I'm thinking if it make me lose any informations or not....
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