We use Microsoft Dynamics RMS v2.0.0105. We are trying to enable the AVS (Address Verification System) functionality. We have performed the required setup. In the POS system, we can see the "Address" button in the credit card processing pop-up window, but the button is disabled. We have RMS integrated with PC-Charge software and use Nova/Elavon as our credit card processing company. We checked with both PC-Charge support and Elavon and there is no additional configuration required by them. What configuration step are we missing in RMS?
Address verification system (AVS): The address verification system provides the merchant with a better rate and additional security. When a credit card number is entered manually, the merchant provides the customer’s zip code and street address to acquiring banks at the time of authorization. (The street address is not required but can be useful to manually match the address with the card holder.) Microsoft Dynamics RMS allows manually entering the credit card details when either the card reader is not working or the credit card’s magnetic stripe is not reading properly. All credit card requests will still be sent as “card present,” “track 2 capable,” and “signature received.” This feature is only available when using the Preferred Acquirer Credit/Debit Card Processing option.
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