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Not getting value inserted and upadated in tables

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I have created table " SalesOrderExim" and "SalesOrderEximLines"  , I am trying to insert and update  records in this tables but but not able to get this done 

can anybody suggest what is wrong with my code so i can get this in process. my code is below.

for salestable Extension,


final  class EximSalesTable_Extension

 public  void insert(boolean _skipMarkup )

        SalesOrderExim                       salesOrderExim;
        SalesOrderEximLines                  salesOrderEximLines;
        CustInvoiceJour                      custInvoiceJour;
        SalesLine                            salesline;
        TaxInformationLegalEntity_IN         taxInformationLegalEntity_IN;
        TaxInformation_IN                    taxInformation_IN;
        str                                   IECNUMBER;

        next insert(_skipMarkup);

        select * from salesOrderExim
            where salesOrderExim.RefrenceRecId == this.RecId;

        select PANNumber from taxInformationLegalEntity_IN
            where taxInformationLegalEntity_IN.LegalEntity == companyInfo::find().RecId;

        taxInformation_IN   = TaxInformation_IN::findDefaultbyLocation(LogisticsPostalAddress::findByLocation(companyInfo::find().PrimaryAddressLocation).Location);

          IECNUMBER = TaxRegistrationNumbers_IN::find(taxInformation_IN.IECRegistrationNumberTable).RegistrationNumber;
        if(salesOrderExim.RefrenceRecId == this.RecId)
            salesOrderExim.Buyer                  = this.SalesName;
            salesOrderExim.Exporter               = companyinfo::find().Name;
            salesOrderExim.PANNumber              = taxInformationLegalEntity_IN.PANNumber;
            salesOrderExim.IECNumber              = IECNUMBER;
            salesOrderExim.State                  = companyInfo::find().postalAddress().State;
            salesOrderExim.Payment                =  this.Payment;
            salesOrderExim.TermsOfDelivery        =  this.DlvTerm;
            salesOrderExim.InvoiceId              = "";
            salesOrderExim.FromDate               = dateNull();


    public void update()     
        SalesOrderExim                       salesOrderExim;
        SalesOrderEximLines                  salesOrderEximLines;
        CustInvoiceJour                      custInvoiceJour;
        SalesLine                            salesline;
        SalesTable                           salestable;
        TaxInformationLegalEntity_IN         taxInformationLegalEntity_IN;
        TaxInformation_IN                    taxInformation_IN;
        str                                   IECNUMBER;  
        next update();

        select PANNumber from taxInformationLegalEntity_IN
            where taxInformationLegalEntity_IN.LegalEntity == companyInfo::find().RecId;

        taxInformation_IN   = TaxInformation_IN::findDefaultbyLocation(LogisticsPostalAddress::findByLocation(companyInfo::find().PrimaryAddressLocation).Location);

        IECNUMBER = TaxRegistrationNumbers_IN::find(taxInformation_IN.IECRegistrationNumberTable).RegistrationNumber;

        salesId = this.SalesId;

        select * from  salestable
            where  salesTable.SalesId == salesId;

        select forupdate  salesOrderExim
            where   salesOrderExim.RefrenceRecId == this.RecId;
        if(this.SalesStatus==SalesStatus::Invoiced && salesOrderExim.InvoiceId == "")
            select InvoiceId,InvoiceDate  from custInvoiceJour
                where custInvoiceJour.SalesId == this.SalesId;

            salesOrderExim.InvoiceId              = custInvoiceJour.InvoiceId;
            salesOrderExim.FromDate               = custInvoiceJour.InvoiceDate;
            salesOrderExim.Buyer                  = this.SalesName;
            salesOrderExim.Exporter               = companyinfo::find().Name;
            salesOrderExim.PANNumber              = taxInformationLegalEntity_IN.PANNumber;
            salesOrderExim.IECNumber              = IECNUMBER;
            salesOrderExim.State                  = companyInfo::find().postalAddress().State;
            salesOrderExim.Payment                =  this.Payment;
            salesOrderExim.TermsOfDelivery        =  this.DlvTerm;

for salesline Extension


final class EximSalesLine_Extension

    public void  insert(boolean            _dropInvent ,
                        boolean            _findMarkup ,
                        Common             _childBuffer,
                        boolean            _skipCreditLimitCheck ,
                        boolean            _skipWHSProcesses ,
                        InventRefTransId   _interCompanyInventTransId ) 

        SalesOrderEximLines    salesOrderEximLines;
        SalesTable             salesTable;
        SalesId                salesId;

        next insert();
        salesId = this.SalesId;

        select * from  salestable
            where  salesTable.SalesId == salesId;

        select * from  salesOrderEximLines
                join this
            where  salesOrderEximLines.RefRecId == this.RecId;

            if(salesOrderEximLines.HSNCode == "" )
                salesOrderEximLines.HSNCode  =   HSNCodeTable_IN::find(InventTable::find(this.ItemId).HSNCodeTable_IN).Code;

    public void  update(boolean  _dropInvent  ,
                        Common   _childBuffer ,
                        boolean  _updateOrderLineOfDeliverySchedule ,
                        boolean  _mcrAutoallocate ,
                        boolean  _cameFromCreate ,
                        boolean  _promptSuppItem 


        SalesOrderEximLines    salesOrderEximLines;
        SalesTable             salesTable;
        SalesId                salesId;
        next update();

        salesId = this.SalesId;

        select * from  salestable
            where  salesTable.SalesId == salesId;

        select * from  salesOrderEximLines
                join this
            where  salesOrderEximLines.RefRecId == this.RecId;

            if(salesOrderEximLines.HSNCode == "" )
                salesOrderEximLines.HSNCode  =   HSNCodeTable_IN::find(InventTable::find(this.ItemId).HSNCodeTable_IN).Code;

  • Dineshkarlekar Profile Picture
    Dineshkarlekar 1,479 on at
    RE: Not getting value inserted and upadated in tables

    hi martin ,

    thanks for helping me out,

    finally i am able to insert  & update values in my table without any additional record,

    here is my code . i will also try to do this with child table 

    final  class EximSalesTable_Extension
     public  void insert(boolean _skipMarkup )
            SalesOrderExim                       salesOrderExim;
            SalesOrderEximLines                  salesOrderEximLines;
            CustInvoiceJour                      custInvoiceJour;
            SalesLine                            salesline;
            TaxInformationLegalEntity_IN         taxInformationLegalEntity_IN;
            TaxInformation_IN                    taxInformation_IN;
            str                                   IECNUMBER;
            next insert(_skipMarkup);
            select * from salesOrderExim
                where salesOrderExim.RefrenceRecId == this.RecId;
            select PANNumber from taxInformationLegalEntity_IN
                where taxInformationLegalEntity_IN.LegalEntity == companyInfo::find().RecId;
            taxInformation_IN   = TaxInformation_IN::findDefaultbyLocation(LogisticsPostalAddress::findByLocation(companyInfo::find().PrimaryAddressLocation).Location);
              IECNUMBER = TaxRegistrationNumbers_IN::find(taxInformation_IN.IECRegistrationNumberTable).RegistrationNumber;
                salesOrderExim.Buyer                  = this.SalesName;
                salesOrderExim.Exporter               = companyinfo::find().Name;
                salesOrderExim.PANNumber              = taxInformationLegalEntity_IN.PANNumber;
                salesOrderExim.IECNumber              = IECNUMBER;
                salesOrderExim.State                  = companyInfo::find().postalAddress().State;
                salesOrderExim.Payment                =  this.Payment;
                salesOrderExim.TermsOfDelivery        =  this.DlvTerm;
                salesOrderExim.RefrenceRecId          =  this.RecId;
                salesOrderExim.InvoiceId              = "";
                salesOrderExim.FromDate               = dateNull();
        public void update()     
            SalesOrderExim                       salesOrderExim;
            CustInvoiceJour                      custInvoiceJour;
            next update();
            select forupdate salesOrderExim
                where   salesOrderExim.RefrenceRecId == this.RecId;
                select InvoiceId,InvoiceDate  from custInvoiceJour
                    where custInvoiceJour.SalesId == this.SalesId;
                salesOrderExim.InvoiceId              = custInvoiceJour.InvoiceId;
                salesOrderExim.FromDate               = custInvoiceJour.InvoiceDate; 


    regards ,Dinesh

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,848 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Not getting value inserted and upadated in tables

    All right, so you're saying that an exception gets thrown even before your code, therefore what code you have after next insert() is irrelevant. Do you agree?

    I would start debugging from the place that throws the error, which - according to the stack trace you shared above - is InventMovement::constructNoThrow(). Debug it to see where it fails and which object references is null. Then investigate why.

  • Dineshkarlekar Profile Picture
    Dineshkarlekar 1,479 on at
    RE: Not getting value inserted and upadated in tables

    Now i have put debugger , below are the screes


    when i proceed further i get this 


    I think new recid is not falling into "SalesOrderEximLines"   

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,848 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Not getting value inserted and upadated in tables

    Your screenshot doesn't show where you stopped the execution and at variables of which method you're looking at. Please at the information.

    The Locals windows shows variables that - according to yourself - don't exist in EximSalesLine_Extension.insert(), therefore you're either looking at a wrong method or your code isn't compiled correctly.

  • Dineshkarlekar Profile Picture
    Dineshkarlekar 1,479 on at
    RE: Not getting value inserted and upadated in tables

    I have keep debugger on  insert and update of salestable extension , and on insert of salesline extension, so thats why it was jumping on salestable update()

    i have removed it , now   i have debugger only on insert of salesline and what i am getting is this. now the value of this. Recid = 0 so thats why  SalesOrderEximLines.RefrenceRecid is taking first value from table which is not required , this. RecId must show the new line Recid which i have created.



    Regards, Dinesh

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,848 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Not getting value inserted and upadated in tables

    Please elaborate what you mean by "after that it goes to". Either the exception is unhandled and it breaks the execution, or it goes to a catch clause. Execution can't magially jump to SalesTable.update().

    I have no idea what you mean by "it check all the code of update statement don't know why , when this happens I don't get any value in this section of update". Just a guess - it might suggest that you don't execute your latest code. Rebuild the solution and try it again.

  • Dineshkarlekar Profile Picture
    Dineshkarlekar 1,479 on at
    RE: Not getting value inserted and upadated in tables

    I   have check stack trace properties, this is what it shows,

     at Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.Common.get_CommonImplementation()
       at Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.Common.get_TableId()
       at Dynamics.AX.Application.InventMovement.`constructNoThrow(Common _buffer, InventMovSubType _subType, Common _childBuffer, Boolean @_subType_IsDefaultSet, Boolean @_childBuffer_IsDefaultSet) in xppSource://Source/Foundation\AxClass_InventMovement.xpp:line 9012
       at Dynamics.AX.Application.InventMovement.InventMovementCoCHelper.`constructNoThrow(InventMovement instance, Common arg0, InventMovSubType arg1, Common arg2, Boolean , Boolean )
       at Dynamics.AX.Application.InventMovementWESBackoffice_Extension.constructNoThrow(Common _buffer, InventMovSubType _subType, Common _childBuffer) in xppSource://Source/WarehouseExecutionWorkloadBackoffice\AxClass_InventMovementWESBackoffice_Extension.xpp:line 17
       at Dynamics.AX.Application.InventMovement.InventMovementCoCHelper.`constructNoThrow(InventMovement instance, Common arg0, InventMovSubType arg1, Common arg2, Boolean , Boolean )
       at Dynamics.AX.Application.InventMovement.constructNoThrow(Common _buffer, InventMovSubType _subType, Common _childBuffer, Boolean @_subType_IsDefaultSet, Boolean @_childBuffer_IsDefaultSet)
       at Dynamics.AX.Application.InventMovement.constructNoThrow(Common _buffer, InventMovSubType _subType, Common _childBuffer)
       at Dynamics.AX.Application.InventMovement.`construct(Common _buffer, InventMovSubType _subType, Common _childBuffer, Boolean @_subType_IsDefaultSet, Boolean @_childBuffer_IsDefaultSet) in xppSource://Source/Foundation\AxClass_InventMovement.xpp:line 8959
       at Dynamics.AX.Application.InventMovement.construct(Common _buffer, InventMovSubType _subType, Common _childBuffer, Boolean @_subType_IsDefaultSet, Boolean @_childBuffer_IsDefaultSet)
       at Dynamics.AX.Application.InventMovement.construct(Common _buffer, InventMovSubType _subType, Common _childBuffer)
       at Dynamics.AX.Application.SalesLineType.`instantiateInventMovement(InventMovSubType _inventMovSubType, Common _childBuffer) in xppSource://Source/Foundation\AxClass_SalesLineType.xpp:line 1013
       at Dynamics.AX.Application.SalesLineType.instantiateInventMovement(InventMovSubType _inventMovSubType, Common _childBuffer)
       at Dynamics.AX.Application.SalesLineType.`instantiateInventUpd_Estimated(Common _childBuffer, InventMovSubType _inventMovSubType) in xppSource://Source/Foundation\AxClass_SalesLineType.xpp:line 991
       at Dynamics.AX.Application.SalesLineType.instantiateInventUpd_Estimated(Common _childBuffer, InventMovSubType _inventMovSubType)
       at Dynamics.AX.Application.SalesLineType.`updateInventoryOnInsert(Common _childBuffer) in xppSource://Source/Foundation\AxClass_SalesLineType.xpp:line 4754
       at Dynamics.AX.Application.SalesLineType.updateInventoryOnInsert(Common _childBuffer)
       at Dynamics.AX.Application.SalesLine.`handleStockedItemsAndProject(SalesLineType _salesLineType, Boolean _dropInvent, Common _childBuffer) in xppSource://Source/Foundation\AxTable_SalesLine.xpp:line 16891
       at Dynamics.AX.Application.SalesLine.handleStockedItemsAndProject(SalesLineType _salesLineType, Boolean _dropInvent, Common _childBuffer)
       at Dynamics.AX.Application.SalesLine.`insert(Boolean _dropInvent, Boolean _findMarkup, Common _childBuffer, Boolean _skipCreditLimitCheck, Boolean _skipWHSProcesses, String _interCompanyInventTransId, Boolean @_dropInvent_IsDefaultSet, Boolean @_findMarkup_IsDefaultSet, Boolean @_childBuffer_IsDefaultSet, Boolean @_skipCreditLimitCheck_IsDefaultSet, Boolean @_skipWHSProcesses_IsDefaultSet, Boolean @_interCompanyInventTransId_IsDefaultSet) in xppSource://Source/Foundation\AxTable_SalesLine.xpp:line 4925
       at Dynamics.AX.Application.SalesLine.SalesLineCoCHelper.`insert(SalesLine instance, Boolean arg0, Boolean arg1, Common arg2, Boolean arg3, Boolean arg4, String arg5, Boolean , Boolean , Boolean , Boolean , Boolean , Boolean )
       at Dynamics.AX.Application.EximSalesLine_Extension.insert(SalesLine this, Boolean _dropInvent, Boolean _findMarkup, Common _childBuffer, Boolean _skipCreditLimitCheck, Boolean _skipWHSProcesses, String _interCompanyInventTransId) in xppSource://Source/EXIMDevlopement\AxClass_EximSalesLine_Extension.xpp:line 15
       at Dynamics.AX.Application.SalesLine.SalesLineCoCHelper.`insert(SalesLine instance, Boolean arg0, Boolean arg1, Common arg2, Boolean arg3, Boolean arg4, String arg5, Boolean , Boolean , Boolean , Boolean , Boolean , Boolean )
       at Dynamics.AX.Application.SalesLine.insert(Boolean _dropInvent, Boolean _findMarkup, Common _childBuffer, Boolean _skipCreditLimitCheck, Boolean _skipWHSProcesses, String _interCompanyInventTransId, Boolean @_dropInvent_IsDefaultSet, Boolean @_findMarkup_IsDefaultSet, Boolean @_childBuffer_IsDefaultSet, Boolean @_skipCreditLimitCheck_IsDefaultSet, Boolean @_skipWHSProcesses_IsDefaultSet, Boolean @_interCompanyInventTransId_IsDefaultSet)
       at Dynamics.AX.Application.SalesLine.insert()
       at SalesLine::Insert(Object , Object[] , Boolean& )
       at Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.ReflectionCallHelper.MakeInstanceCall(Object instance, String MethodName, Object[] parameters)

    dont know when i insert the line in line tab , first it goes to insert code of salesline where it check upto  next insert ;

    after that it goes to


     public void update()     
            SalesOrderExim                       salesOrderExim;
            SalesOrderEximLines                  salesOrderEximLines;
            CustInvoiceJour                      custInvoiceJour;
            SalesLine                            salesline;
            SalesTable                           salestable;
            TaxInformationLegalEntity_IN         taxInformationLegalEntity_IN;
            TaxInformation_IN                    taxInformation_IN;
            str                                   IECNUMBER;  
            next update();
            select PANNumber from taxInformationLegalEntity_IN
                where taxInformationLegalEntity_IN.LegalEntity == companyInfo::find().RecId;
            taxInformation_IN   = TaxInformation_IN::findDefaultbyLocation(LogisticsPostalAddress::findByLocation(companyInfo::find().PrimaryAddressLocation).Location);
            IECNUMBER = TaxRegistrationNumbers_IN::find(taxInformation_IN.IECRegistrationNumberTable).RegistrationNumber;
            select forupdate  salesOrderExim
                where   salesOrderExim.RefrenceRecId == this.RecId;
                select InvoiceId,InvoiceDate  from custInvoiceJour
                    where custInvoiceJour.SalesId == this.SalesId;
                salesOrderExim.InvoiceId              = custInvoiceJour.InvoiceId;
                salesOrderExim.FromDate               = custInvoiceJour.InvoiceDate; 

    it check all the code of update statement don't know why , when this happens I don't get any value in this section of update, 

    after checking this code debugger again jumps on salesline insert method then it throws the object refrence error on  next insert ();

    i hope you getting my problem,

            select forupdate  salesOrderExim
                where   salesOrderExim.RefrenceRecId == this.RecId;

    thanks ,

    Regards, Dinesh

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,848 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Not getting value inserted and upadated in tables

    Please elaborate what you mean by "it checks the condition and it jumps on the insert method of salesline". Which line of code are you talking about. Why is it creating a new line on SalesTable update?

    Also, check out which line of code inside inside insert() throws the exception. Start by clicling "View details" (in the dialog shown in your first screenshot) and and looking at the StackTrace property.

  • Dineshkarlekar Profile Picture
    Dineshkarlekar 1,479 on at
    RE: Not getting value inserted and upadated in tables

    hi , Martin 

    I have made changes in code as you suggessted , but when i debug my code ie when i add new line the in sales line the debugger jumps on the update() method of salestable then it checks the condition and it jumps on the insert method of salesline then it throw error on next insert  of sales line extension, do i have to make changes in update() of sales table or in insert() method of salesline.



    final class EximSalesLine_Extension
        public void  insert(boolean            _dropInvent ,
                            boolean            _findMarkup ,
                            Common             _childBuffer,
                            boolean            _skipCreditLimitCheck ,
                            boolean            _skipWHSProcesses ,
                            InventRefTransId   _interCompanyInventTransId ) 
            next insert();
            SalesOrderEximLines salesOrderEximLines;
            salesOrderEximLines.RefRecId = this.RecId;
            salesOrderEximLines.HSNCode = HSNCodeTable_IN::find(this.inventTable().HSNCodeTable_IN).Code;
            if (!salesOrderEximLines.validateWrite())
               throw error("Parameter value is invalid");

    thanks ,


  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,848 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Not getting value inserted and upadated in tables

    As I mentioned in your previous thread, an order may be used in several invoices. Your code doesn't take it into account. Also, it's not true that when there is an invoice, the status of the order must be Invoiced. It's not true for partial invoices.

    Another problem is in error("Parameter value is invalid"). You miss the 'throw' keyword, therefore no exception will get thrown. If invalid data is being inserted, you put a message to infolog but you insert the invalid record anyway.

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