I have a query that sums up some general ledger entries, because it is faster to use a query than to use a findset repeat until contruct.
But in Company X I want to change to company Y, and then read the query, but I cannot figure out how to change the record in the query. It still runs for Company X.
the query looks like this
query 50000 "MyQuery"
Access = Internal;
Caption = 'MyQuery';
QueryType = Normal;
DataAccessIntent = ReadOnly;
dataitem(GLAccount; "G/L Account")
column(No_; "No.")
{ }
column(Account_Type; "Account Type")
column(IncomeBalance; "Income/Balance")
filter(Dimension_Set_ID_Filter; "Dimension Set ID Filter")
dataitem(GLEntry; "G/L Entry")
DataItemLink = "G/L Account No." = GLAccount."No.";
column(G_L_Account_No_; "G/L Account No.")
{ }
column(G_L_Account_Name; "G/L Account Name")
{ }
column(Dimension_Set_ID; "Dimension Set ID")
{ }
column(Amount; Amount)
Method = Sum;
filter(Posting_Date; "Posting Date")
trigger OnBeforeOpen()
Any ideas?