If I try and create a new Purchase Invoice for some vendors I get the following error. If I create one for a different vendor, I can then change the bill-to vendor to the correct one and all is fine (but not a nice workaround).
In Sandbox I have removed all extensions and it still does it.
Any thoughts were to look and what to change?
If requesting support, please provide the following details to help troubleshooting:
The Purchase Header does not exist. Identification fields and values: Document Type='Invoice',No.='107940'
Internal session ID:
Application Insights session ID:
Client activity id:
Time stamp on error:
User telemetry id:
AL call stack:
/Purchase Line/(Table 39).GetPurchHeader line 11 - Base Application by Microsoft
/Purchase Line/(Table 39).GetPurchHeader line 2 - Base Application by Microsoft
/Purchase Line/(Table 39).GetDateForCalculations line 3 - Base Application by Microsoft
/Purchase Line - Price/(CodeUnit 7021).GetDocumentDate line 2 - Base Application by Microsoft
/Purchase Line - Price/(CodeUnit 7021).FillBuffer line 36 - Base Application by Microsoft
/Purchase Line - Price/(CodeUnit 7021).CopyToBuffer line 10 - Base Application by Microsoft
/Price Calculation - V16/(CodeUnit 7002).ApplyPrice line 10 - Base Application by Microsoft
/Purchase Line/(Table 39).UpdateDirectUnitCostByField line 34 - Base Application by Microsoft
/Purchase Line/(Table 39)./No. - OnValidate/(Trigger) line 125 - Base Application by Microsoft
/Standard Vendor Purchase Code/(Table 175).ApplyStdCodesToPurchaseLines line 41 - Base Application by Microsoft
/Standard Codes Mgt./(CodeUnit 170).CheckCreatePurchRecurringLines line 13 - Base Application by Microsoft
/Purchase Header/(Table 38).OnInsert(Trigger) line 18 - Base Application by Microsoft
/Purchase Invoice/(Page 51)./Buy-from Vendor No. - OnValidate/(Trigger) line 4 - Base Application by Microsoft
Many thanks, Tristan