Has anyone modeled these tables?
Or maybe a Sql library of scripts to join them?
Just trying to know what tables to export and then how to join them in say PowerBI or via sql queries.
All I find are piecemeal queries people have done in old on-prem AX databases. Datalake documentation just tells you how to set it up and working, not how to actually use it....which is kind of important right? Now I have all these files/tables in datalake. Now what? We had powerbi trainer try to use them and they were just guessing (wrongly) how to join them. It was little awkward to watch.
It's the same problem anyone would face when trying to consume an application data for BI org-wide integration purposes or simply trying to utilize datalake tables by PowerBI.
First let me state I've solved this issue by finding this series of blogs www.instructorbrandon.com/.../ This is amazing documentation and training by this person.
To answer your questions:
1) Business people know their data not the backend tables, my business customers aren't IT experts. That's my job. They were handed bunch of datalake files/tables and powerbi and trying to make sense of it...which of course isn't realistic.
2) that's an option I'm considering if nothing else just so we can use SSMS to query the data but it's not setup yet plus again that's still physical and if they don't know backend design it won't help them understand how to get data out
3) not looking for how to use it specifically to us - this isn't unique to us. Anytime you are looking to utilize an application's data externally you have to know how to get data out of it.
It's not clear to me what your main problem is.
1) If users don't know what data they need from F&O, it's not really specific to Azure Data Lake, is it?
2) If you know how to achieve your goal with F&O entities but not with raw tables, use CDMUtil to generate views corresponding to data entities.
3) Azure Data Lake and Synapse are generic tools and their documentation can tell you how you can connect, transform data and so on, but it can't tell you how you want to use your data.
Hi SaxMan,
Please wait for someone more experienced in this area to answer this question.
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