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generate address link on google map based on latitude and longitude

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I want to generate the location's link of the customer based on their latitude and longitude's data.

So I created a field named "MapLink" in address entity and set the type as calculated. Now I want to set the conditions that if this 2 fields contains data then.....

But the problem is that I don't see them in the condition section because their type is "floating point number" and I this type doesn't show on calculate fields.

Is there any other way for me to do that except creating 2 new fields in address entity for them in any other type?

  • Suggested answer
    THE Italian Profile Picture
    THE Italian on at
    RE: generate link address on google map based on latitude and longitude

    This is Business Central (ex NAV) forum and not Dynamics 365 (ex CRM) forum.

    Please log your inquiry in the appropriate forum. Probably the one below is what you were looking for

  • Parinaz_Ndlz Profile Picture
    Parinaz_Ndlz 30 on at
    generate link address on google map based on latitude and longitude


    I want to generate the location's link of the customer based on their latitude and longitude's data.

    So I created a field named "MapLink" in address entity and set the type as calculated. Now I want to set the conditions that if this 2 fields contains data then.....

    But the problem is that I don't see them in the condition section because their type is "floating point number" and I this type doesn't show on calculate fields.

    Is there any other way for me to do that except creating 2 new fields in address entity for them in any other type?

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