I'm new in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM and I'm lost regarding the data schema
I'm using the following feeds:
Odata Feed: https://[tenant].crm4.dynamics.com/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc
API Feed: https://[tenant].crm4.dynamics.com/api/data/v8.1
I spent a few days trying to figure out where I can find the history/activity for each opportunity in both data feeds without success.
The data model involves the use OpportunitySet, OpportunityProductSet and SystemUserSet for obtaining all the information about the opportunities, but what is missing is how those opportunities are evolving over time - OpportunitySet is a unique list of OpportunitiesIDs.
The activity tables on the Odata feed are called ActivityPartySet and ActivityPointerSet, with the latter being specific to each change that a user does in an opportunity. Likewise, the tables have almost the same names in the API Feed, ActivityParty and ActivityPointer.
If that is the case - one of this two tables have the "history" of all opportunities - How can I link to a list of unique Opportunities?
Also is it possible to connect Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 in a faster way? Both of the feeds are quite massive but at the same time quite slow. Let's say, loading 200 MB in ~30 min. I was reading that is possible to connect through visual studio 2012 with a particular addon.
Thanks in advance for the help.
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