We recently updated some of our products, with an item in the BoM being replaced, as well as the quantity denominator being updated.
This was done by adding a 'Valid To' date to the BoM lines with the old quantity/item number; and creating new lines for the new quantity/item number with a 'Valid From' date of the day after the old lines were valid to.
This change works correctly from a manufacturing/consumption perspective; however is causing some confusion when users go to view the BoM Lines.
Users currently view and update BoMs by navigating to 'Released Products' in the Product Information Management module; then selecting the desired product and clicking 'BoM Versions' under the 'Engineer' tab.
When viewing the BoMs this way, both the Valid and Invalid BoM lines are shown, making it look like there is a duplication of lines.
I can filter the BoM Lines pane in this view by the Valid To/From dates, however I am unable to save this filter since as far as I can tell there is no way to save/publish a filter for a pane, only for a form/page.
How can I ensure that users only see valid BoM lines when looking at BoMs this way (and possibly other ways)?
If there is a way to save a filter for panes that I'm unaware of, that will work.