Re: Re: Re: Export customization not working?
We don't have anything to provide as far as extracting the customization programatically. Unfortunately, we can't identify the customization by looking at the records in the table. I assume you can open the screen. You could compare it to a standard screen in the demo database perhaps and try and narrow down the differences. Then look for any VB code that would have been added in the VB Editor. You could copy that out and paste it into a Word doc and then use it in your attempt to recreate the customizations. I have a few other comments.
1. Which tables do you have records in for screenid 0327200? Did you check Custom, Custom2 and CustomVBA?
2. If you have records in Custom or Custom2, they are most likely BSL customizations. When you export the customizations, are you choosing both BSL and VBA? If so, try just exporting the VBA.
3. Are there records at more than one level such as All Users and Self etc? Maybe try and export at a different level to see if a file will be created successfully.
We haven't seen where the process creates a zero byte file.