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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Management Reporter not pulling correct balances from GP Posted Transactions

Posted on by Microsoft Employee

There are cases that when we post certain transactions in the general ledger and the sales module that the GP General Ledger balances are updated but the balances in Management Reporter do not reflect the proper balance.  This occurs on both Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss reports.  It only happens to a couple of transactions posted during the day, not on all transactions.  Can anyone give advice how to have Management Reporter grab the current balance or is there a utility to run?

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  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Management Reporter not pulling correct balances from GP Posted Transactions

    hi , we are having the same problem, may I know if this issue of yours was already resolved? I would greatly appreciate your response. thanks!

  • Kirk Alexander Profile Picture
    Kirk Alexander 410 on at
    RE: Management Reporter not pulling correct balances from GP Posted Transactions

    We are having this exact same problem, and wondered if/how you resolved it.  (We are NOT using the Data Mart; using Legacy.)

    I have this same issue for a client.  I narrowed the imbalance of the Balance Sheet in Management Reporter down to 8 account balances that are reflecting the exact incorrect balances in Management Reporter from GP.  I have verified the rows, columns, reporting periods, all of the other account balances, building blocks, financial dimensions, reporting tree, company, posted and unposted, pointing to the correct data, etc.  and everything else on the Balance Sheet report is correct, with the exception of just these 8 account balances reported.  I refreshed the financial data, rebuilt the DataMart, deleted the row with just those accounts and reinserted them from the Financial Dimensions.  Nothing changed.  Just those 8 accounts have the wrong balance in the Balance Sheet report, throwing it out of balance from the Assets to the L & OE.  Can someone please offer any assistance?

    Thank you in advance!  


  • GuruDofGP Profile Picture
    GuruDofGP 240 on at
    RE: Management Reporter not pulling correct balances from GP Posted Transactions

    I have this same issue for a client.  I narrowed the imbalance of the Balance Sheet in Management Reporter down to 8 account balances that are reflecting the exact incorrect balances in Management Reporter from GP.  I have verified the rows, columns, reporting periods, all of the other account balances, building blocks, financial dimensions, reporting tree, company, posted and unposted, pointing to the correct data, etc.  and everything else on the Balance Sheet report is correct, with the exception of just these 8 account balances reported.  I refreshed the financial data, rebuilt the DataMart, deleted the row with just those accounts and reinserted them from the Financial Dimensions.  Nothing changed.  Just those 8 accounts have the wrong balance in the Balance Sheet report, throwing it out of balance from the Assets to the L & OE.  Can someone please offer any assistance?

    Thank you in advance!  

  • Bill Campbell Profile Picture
    Bill Campbell 22,647 on at
    RE: Management Reporter not pulling correct balances from GP Posted Transactions

    That is likely what I was trying to recall - there was some reason that 'timing' was stuck in my head - but the 'pause' is likely what happened.

    We too had to rebuild the data mart - not tough - but time consuming.

  • Suggested answer
    Redbeard Profile Picture
    Redbeard 12,931 on at
    RE: Management Reporter not pulling correct balances from GP Posted Transactions

    Bill -

    According to a trusted resource, Beat Butcher, the default refresh instance for MR 2012 is 1 minute; there is also no configuration console setting to change it.  Here is an article on changing the periodicity of the refresh.

    I seem to remember if the synchronization get's paused, data accumulated between the pause and the restart may never be synchronized, necessitating the rebuild of the data store. I believe this may be one of the main reasons people wind up having to do rebuild the data store periodically. I suggest in my MR install blog article to set the MR service to restart automatically, something the installation does not do.

  • Bill Campbell Profile Picture
    Bill Campbell 22,647 on at
    RE: Management Reporter not pulling correct balances from GP Posted Transactions

    Harry to add to this - could it be a timing matter?  With the changes in the Data Mart and the ability to modify the time lag between data entry and reporting - could that be part of the matter?

    I dont have a solution here - but another question as I have read a number of threads on MR and report differences I was not really clear on this.

  • Suggested answer
    Redbeard Profile Picture
    Redbeard 12,931 on at
    RE: Management Reporter not pulling correct balances from GP Posted Transactions

    Marcia -

    There were some real problems with data accuracy in Management Reporter release CU7; however, more recent updates have not had the same problems. Check your version, and make sure you're not on this release.

    If it seems like data is going missing, folks will recommend rebuilding the data mart. Here is a link on a comprehensive article from IBIS on doing just this.

    If this reoccurs, I would recommend logging a support incident.

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