Hi, I hope this question has not been answered before as I have searched and read my eyes dry for information.
I have a page, Pagetype = API, and i want to call the procedure Test which i have given the [ServiceEnabled
attribute.The EntitySetName is 'customers'.
I am using this link format and i have been trying with GET and POST but it doesn't make a difference.
I have looked into the Microsoft V2 API source, example Page 30037 APIV2 - Sales Quotes where the MakeOrder service is exposed and that works fine.
By mentioning that, my problem is that i want to make an order from a quote, but i also want to have the new order number returned but i only get an empty 204 response.
Looking into the native makeOrder API, this is the last code that is executed:
ActionContext.AddEntityKey(FieldNo(Id), SalesHeader.SystemId); ActionContext.SetResultCode(WebServiceActionResultCode::Deleted);
Our sandbox environment is on version 19 .
Thank you for your time and help