We have a client that has 8 different sales currencies and inside each they have up to 8 different price levels.
Common to all currencies is a price level called RETAIL - as suggested this is the RETAIL PRICE of the item and all the following Price Levels are a discount % off of the RETAIL amount. Due to currency costs and cost of doing business in some areas, the RETAIL value is not based on a common value ( easily explained here anyway ) and so from RETAIL US Dollar you can not do simple math and come up with RETAIL AUD dollar.
The price levels that fall under each of the Currencies do follow the same pattern and so could be plugged into a formula and the right result would be presented.
LEV1 = 95% of RETAIL
LEV2 = 90% of RETAIL
LEV3 = 80% of RETAIL
Just enough to set the thought in process - there are up to 8 different levels.
All items in the inventory have Price Levels set and all use the same naming conventions. Therefore - Retail US Dollar for one part is the same for all parts that are attached to that Price Level ( if that makes sense )
The client would like to present on the Quote, Order and Invoice the following Columns
RETAIL PRICE - the retail cost of the item - it is a Price Level for each currency and is filled in for all items.
DISCOUNT AMOUNT - the difference between RETAIL PRICE and DISCOUNT UNIT PRICE in dollars ( not percentage )
DISCOUNT UNIT PRICE - really is the Unit List Price for the item and Currency - this is an easy one from the system - SOP_Line_Work.UnitPrice
So what I think I can do is take the SOP_Line_Work.UnitPrice and do the math necessary to come back to the RETAIL PRICE based on what we know the Percent of Retail Price we know that applies to each level in the system. Levels as noted above always follow the same percentages regardless of currency and or items.
Does this make sense? Is there a better option? Wanted to bring to the Community before I decided to work this over all three documents and find out there is a better way.
Thanks in advance
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