I constantly get this error message no matter what browser I use. Does anyone know how to stop getting them? I am using the latest version.
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I constantly get this error message no matter what browser I use. Does anyone know how to stop getting them? I am using the latest version.
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Thank you everyone for your help and being so fast about about it!
This has been so annoying!
Hi ,
You need to set the following setting under Settings=>administration=>privacy preferences
Select option Never send an an error report to Microsoft.
In addition to the responses below, if you have multiple users, you can use XRMToolbox to change the Privacy settings for all the users of your organization. The Plugin that you will want is the User Settings Utility. Change the Error Notifications setting under Privacy.
Hope this helps.
This is the error message when ever there is any exception in MS CRM. Go to
1) Navigate to Microsoft Dynamics CRM > Settings > Administration > Privacy Preferences
2) On the Privacy Preferences Tab, select the option “ Specify the Web Application Error
3) Notification preferences on behalf of users”
Select the “Never send error report to Microsoft”
Then it will never give you that error popup.
If you found it helpful, don't forget to Mark Answer as Verified.
Best regards,
Hi Jeremy,
You can go to Personal Options - Privacy tab and select there to send notifications automatically to Microsoft.
This should hide in the background the error messages that you are getting.
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