Does anyone know of or know of anyone or any company that might have a report, extension or application to assist with Duty Drawback claims?
As you may know, enterprises often pay duty on items or item components brought into the country. In the case where these items or components were then sold outside the country, the enterprise may qualify for a refund of these duties paid. We are looking for anyone or any company who may have a report / extension / application that might assist with this. I have attached a copy of the form and a listing of the fields on the for. Any referrals, leads or thoughts on the issue will be appreciated.
I do not know of any APP in Business Central for Duty Drawback. However, this does not mean you cannot develop an Extension with your Partner. Since the drawback will be based on the Duty paid on Receipt Items and the subsequent Sale of the Layer of Inventory to an outside Country, logic can be created to capture the information in a report for you.
I would contact your partner for assistance.
Hope this helps.
André Arnaud de Cal...
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