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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Difficult in upgrading to GP 2010

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I want to upgrade GP 10 SP 5 to GP2010 but finding it very difficult to upgrade.

1.I have upgraded SQL from SQL 2005 express to SQL 2008 Express

2.GP 10 is working with the upgraded db


While installing the GP 2010

ODBC-->SLQ native client 10.0-->Defalt Db to Dynamics for the ODBC

and running the utilites --> It says no company to upgrade and launch -- it gives do you want to launch utilites yes or No ----> both yes and no will close the GP

Thanks in advance

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  • Leodwin Livero Profile Picture
    Leodwin Livero 325 on at
    Re: Difficult in upgrading to GP 2010

    I am re doing the installation from gp10 sp 5 to gp2010 sp1 hope this works this time.

    Béat : I already have sql 2008 r2 installed with GP 10 SP 5 working . Problem is with gp2010 it will not upgrade Dynamics database and the companies.

  • Tim Foster Profile Picture
    Tim Foster 8,515 on at
    Re: Difficult in upgrading to GP 2010

    That Blog posting is old and not relevant now.  It was true prior to the release of SP1 for GP2010.  As I'm re-reading your posts, I'm wondering if you should uninstall GP2010 and re-install?


  • Beat Bucher  GP Geek  GPUG All Star Profile Picture
    Beat Bucher GP Gee... 28,058 Moderator on at
    Re: Difficult in upgrading to GP 2010

    Hi Leodwin,

    I think this is not going to work... Please read the DB prerequisites from the GP2010 Upgrade guide :

    Database configuration changes

    Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 are supported.
    Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express are supported. Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or MSDE 2000 are no longer supported.

    SQL Native Client 10 is required as a ODBC data source.

    You'll have no choice than installing the latest SQL Server 2008 (preferably R2). I did the upgrade from GP10 SP5 on SQL 2005 to GP2010R2, keeping the SQL 2005 because of time constraints and didn't wanted to create another potential problem, but will definitly move my DB's to a new server on SQL 2008R2 soon as I can.
    Hope this helps.


  • Leodwin Livero Profile Picture
    Leodwin Livero 325 on at
    Re: Difficult in upgrading to GP 2010

    "If you install service pack 5, you cannot update to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010.  An update from service pack 5 to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 will be available with the release of service pack 1 for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010."

    I receied this from a MS blog. How far is tis correct??

    Thanks Tim : I have tried creating the ODBC manually and with the installation. But no luck.

    I was wondering if there is any other possible workaround other that rolling bak to GP10 SP 4 to install GP2010 if the above statement is correct.

  • Suggested answer
    Tim Foster Profile Picture
    Tim Foster 8,515 on at
    Re: Difficult in upgrading to GP 2010

    Install should have created a datasource pointing to your server called Dynamics GP 2010.  You should not have to touch it (at all).  The first screen is where you name the connection and tell it what the SQL server is named.  Pressing Next brings the second screen where you can log in to get server defaults, press Next and on the third and fourth screens NOTHING should be checked.  Click Test (if you logged in on the second screen) and Finish. Done.

    Try running Utilities after you confirm these steps.


  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,788 Moderator on at
    Re: Difficult in upgrading to GP 2010

    Do you have a backup from before you started the upgrade process?

    Are you saying you can go into GP 10 and process normally but when you launch GP2010 utilities you get a green check mark next to each company indicating they are already upgraded? If you try to launch GP 2010 what happens?

    In the DYNAMICS database there is a table called DU00020. It will list what versions are in the database. Do they list GP 10 or GP 2010?

    If at all possible I would roll in backup just prior to the ugraded and start again. This would include all your company databases plus the DYNAMICS database.

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