I built a row definition for a P&L report. It was working as I built the row definition for a day and a half. It is 90 rows long.
Then yesterday, I made an error and Dynamics let me know about the error. This has happened many times. This time, it lets me know of the error, but will NOT allow me to go back in and correct the error.
The error message: The filter /AC610..AC650/ is not valid for the Entry No. field on the G/L Account Category table. The value /AC610/ can't be evaluated into type Integer.
I was changing /Totaling Type/ from /Formula/ to /Account Category/. I clicked out of the row before I updated the old formula from /AC610..AC650/ to the Account category of /Operations and Maintenance/. I have made errors like this before and go back and correct the errors.
This time, Dynamics will not allow me to get back to the row to correct the error. The below is what I get and cannot get back to correct the row.
How do I get access to the row definition view to make the correction?
Clicking the /X/ on the error message does not help. I looked through all the other commands and none of them bring me back to the Row Definition view.