Hello all,
our main developer has left the company and has left behind some plugins, we are gettin errror from. currently we are facing the licensing error by case creation and case accepting.
Exception occured in SLAInstance management custom action : System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault]: The user with SystemUserId=XXX in OrganizationContext=XXX is not licensed. Please contact your system administrator to add license to this user for the action to succeed. SystemUserAccessMode=0 is not either of (NonInteractive=4, SetupUser=1) ImpersonatingSystemUserId=(XXX), AppId=(), IsDisabled=(True), IsLicensed=(False) (Fault Detail is equal to Exception details: ErrorCode: 0x8004D24B Message: The user with SystemUserId=XXX in OrganizationContext=XXX1 is not licensed. Please contact your system administrator to add license to this user for the action to succeed. SystemUserAccessMode=0 is not either of (NonInteractive=4, SetupUser=1) ImpersonatingSystemUserId=(XXX), AppId=(), IsDisabled=(True), IsLicensed=(False) TimeStamp: 2024-03-01T07:52:29.4596193Z -- ).
onece we activate his user, the error message doesn't appear anymore. at long term we have to find better solution and use another user for the acion.
We don't know where or in which level we can find the user in Plug-Ins.
We have tried to deactivate some plug-Ins via regestration tool, but it doesn't help. The error stays the same.
Thanks for your help.