I'm playing with the NEC 1099 in the Cronus company.
I set one of the vendors to default to NEC-01. I then updated one of the related vendor ledger entries for the year to the same box and entered the amount.
That said, I have two questions:
First, the vendor ledger entries include invoices and payments. Both have fields to update for the 1099 box and amount and updates are allowed in both. That said, when editing amounts which should be updated, the invoice, the payment, or both?
Secondly, once updated I can run the 1099 information report and see the updated value, however if I run the 1099 NEC form the result is something totally different and I'm not seeing where it is coming from. There are no visible adjustments and no other 1099 transactions for that vendor? Is there something that I'm missing? Please advise.