I created a custom API in BC to expose a blob field in a prepopulated custom table. The blob field contains a pdf file. I've tested this and it is all correctly populated. Now I am trying to get that blob field through the /Get an image, file or document (V3)/ step in Power Automate. I am getting an error message when I test it. The error message is: /The specified stream URI is not a valid Business Central stream URI/.
I am not sure if there is anything else in BC that I need to configure to make it a valid URI. Below is the code view for the Power Automate step:
{ /type/: /OpenApiConnection/, /inputs/: { /parameters/: { /bcenvironment/: /TESTNEW2/, /company/: /01d598d5-0d70-ed11-8c34-6045bd794679/, /dataset/: /CS/CS/v2.0/, /blobnavigationpath/: /siRs/pdfReport/ }, /host/: { /apiId/: //providers/Microsoft.PowerApps/apis/shared_dynamicssmbsaas/, /connection/: /shared_dynamicssmbsaas/, /operationId/: /GetBlobFromNavigationV3/ } }, /runAfter/: { /Get_record_(V3)_1/: [ /Succeeded/ ] } }
And below is the properties for the API:
APIGroup = 'CS';
APIPublisher = 'CS';
APIVersion = 'v2.0';
ApplicationArea = All;
Caption = 'salesInvoiceReportAPI';
DelayedInsert = true;
EntityName = 'SIR';
EntitySetName = 'SIRs';
PageType = API;
SourceTable = SalesReport;