RE: Item Not Showing in Select Purchase Order Items
Hi Tim:
It's very weird. Since posting my "question" here, I have taken a look at the "Receivings Line Items" SmartList. It shows both a QTY Shipped of 0 and a QTY Invoiced of 0.
Yet, upon drilling into this historical Shipment document, the Receivings Transaction Inquiry Zoom window says that a quantity of 2 was both Previously Shipped and Previously Invoiced.
Next, when drilling back on the line item on this Shipment document, the Receivings Item Detail Inquiry Zoom window displays 15 for Previously Shipped and 0 for Previously Invoiced.
And, if you divide the Extended Cost of $2,052.00 by the Unit Cost of $6.84, you indeed receive a quantity of 300. This is, indeed, the purchase order's Quantity Ordered.
Now, in both the Receivings Transaction Inquiry Zoom window and the Receivings Item Detail Inquiry Zoom, Quantity Shipped displays as 0, just as the "Receivings Line Items" SmartList reports.
Again, this Shipment is classified by GP as historical.
Despite the oddities of the two Receivings Zoom windows, it sounds like a quantity for this item was never received at all. Would you agree?