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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Import Campaign Responses by contact or lead email address

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I want to be able to import an excel file of Campaign Responses and to associate these with either a Lead or a Contact that will already exist in the CRM. I have tried using the Import template and adding the email address of the lead or contact to the Customer field, but this is not recognised.

I can't use the Contact or Lead's name as there may be multiple customers in the system with the same name, in which case this will also error.

I also tried just adding the email address into the 'Email' field on the template and uploading, this imported but didn't associate the Campaign Response with the existing Contact.

Is there a way/format I can use to get it to recognise that the Campaign Repsonse is associated with an existing contact or lead?

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  • Inogic Profile Picture
    Inogic 436 on at
    RE: Import Campaign Responses by contact or lead email address

    Hi MichelleM,

    It is possible to import data on the CRM as per your requirement. Please follow the below steps to do the same.

    Requirement: - You want lookup to be set through email ids of the contact and lead entity

    during data import on the campaign response entity.

    By default lookup gets set through the Primary Key of the entity but you can change it.

    Step 1: - Put the email ids of the contact and lead on the customer column on your excel sheet.

    Step 2: - Change the format of your excel sheet to CSV (Comma separated).

    Step 3: - Navigate to Data Management area and select Imports.

    Step 4: - Start Data import wizard and select your excel sheet that you want to import.

    Step 5: - Go to next and Select Campaign Response entity on the data import popup.

    Step 6: - In this step you have to map your fields present in the excel sheet to Campaign

    Response entity. Also you will be able to see the search icon next to customer lookup field as shown in Screenshot 1.


    Click that lookup icon.

    Step 7: - The new popup Lookup reference for field Customer will be open. Here you need to unselect the primary key and other fields to email as shown in Screenshot 2.


    Hope this helps.


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